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MongoDB Cluster-to-Cluster Sync


On this page

  • General Limitations
  • MongoDB Community Edition
  • Unsupported Collection Types
  • Sharded Clusters
  • Reversing
  • Multiple Clusters
  • Filtered Sync
  • Capped Collections
  • System Collections
  • Rolling Index Builds
  • Embedded Verifier
  • Persistent Query Settings
  • Pre-6.0 Migrations


mongosync does not check for compliance with the documented limitations. Please ensure that your application is not affected by the limitations. Running mongosync in the presence of one of these limitations could lead to undefined behavior on the destination cluster.

You must adhere to these limitations for the full duration of the the migration, including when the migration is paused or stopped if it will be resumed.


For information on MongoDB server compatibility, see MongoDB Server Version Compatibility.

  • mongosync does not support in-place server version upgrades that change the major or minor version during a migration. mongosync does allow patch version upgrades. To learn more, see the server upgrade instructions.

  • The destination cluster must be empty.

  • mongosync doesn't validate that the clusters or the environment are properly configured.

  • Other clients must not write to the destination cluster while mongosync is running.

  • If you want to start the commit process and you did not set enableUserWriteBlocking to "sourceAndDestination" when you used the start endpoint, you must prevent writes to the source cluster before you start the commit process.

  • system.* collections aren't replicated.

  • Documents that have dollar ($) prefixed field names aren't supported. See Field Names with Periods and Dollar Signs.

  • Serverless clusters aren't supported.

  • A MongoDB Shared Tier isn't supported.

  • Queryable Encryption isn't supported.

  • You cannot sync a collection that has a unique index and a non-unique index defined on the same field(s).

  • Before you attempt to run mongosync with an M10+ Atlas cluster, disable the Require Indexes for All Queries option.

  • mongosync doesn't sync users or roles.

  • mongosync does not replicate applyOps operations made on the source cluster during sync to the destination cluster.

  • mongosync must read from the source cluster using the primary read preference.

  • mongosync does not support source or destination clusters that are currently upgrading MongoDB versions.

  • mongosync does not support syncing Atlas Search Indexes.

  • mongosync only supports clusters that use the WiredTiger storage engine.

  • You can't sync a collection with any documents that have an empty timestamp, such as Timestamp(0,0) on pre-6.0 source clusters.

  • mongosync does not support documents with duplicate field names. For details, see MongoDB does not support duplicate field names.

MongoDB does not test Cluster-to-Cluster Sync with Community builds and in most cases, MongoDB does not offer support for Cluster-to-Cluster Sync with Community deployments. If you would like to use Cluster-to-Cluster Sync with MongoDB Community Edition, contact a MongoDB sales representative to discuss requirements and individualized options.

  • Time-series collections aren't supported.

  • Clustered collections with expireAfterSeconds set aren't supported.

  • mongosync doesn't support sync from a sharded cluster to a replica set.

  • mongosync doesn't support sync to a sharded cluster topology with one or more arbiters.

  • mongosync doesn't support sync to or from global clusters.

  • Sync from a replica set to a sharded cluster has the following limitations:

    • mongosync allows users to rename collections that the sharding.shardingEntries option includes during sync with some limitations. For details, see Renaming During Sync.

    • If you use the sharding.createSupportingIndexes option, the indexes are automatically created on the destination cluster during the sync. You cannot create these indexes afterwards on the source cluster.

    • If you want to create an index to support shard keys manually, you must create the index before mongosync starts or after the migration is complete and mongosync has stopped.

  • Within a collection, the _id field must be unique across all of the shards in the cluster. See Sharded Clusters and Unique Indexes for more details.

  • The movePrimary command cannot be used to reassign the primary shard while syncing.

  • There is no replication for zone configuration. mongosync replicates data, it doesn't inherit zones.

  • Shards cannot be added or removed while syncing.

  • mongosync only syncs indexes that exist on all shards.

  • mongosync only syncs indexes that have consistent index specifications on all shards.


    To check for index inconsistencies, see Find Inconsistent Indexes Across Shards.

  • You must stop the balancer on sharded source and destination clusters for the entire lifetime of a migration. To stop the balancer, run the balancerStop command and wait for the command to complete.


    After stopping the balancer, wait fifteen minutes before starting mongosync. This gives the cluster time to finish any in progress chunk migrations.

  • You must not run the moveChunk and moveRange commands on the source or destination clusters.

  • The shard key cannot be refined while syncing.

  • The reshardCollection operations from the source cluster are not supported during sync.

  • The maximum number of indexes per sharded collection is 63, which is one less than the default limit of 64.

  • mongosync only supports syncing sharded collections that have default collation settings.

  • If the old source has unique indexes which are partially distributed across shards, reversing may cause failures. Ensure that unique indexes exist on all shards before reversing.

  • The source and destination clusters must have the same number of shards. You cannot reverse sync when the clusters have different topologies or major versions.

  • mongosync does not support syncing multiple source clusters to one destination cluster.

  • One cluster cannot simultaneously be a source cluster in one mongosync instance and a destination cluster in another mongosync instance.

  • Filtering is not supported with reversible sync.

  • The destination cluster must not contain user data prior to starting.

  • The destination cluster must not contain the mongosync_reserved_for_internal_use system database prior to starting.

  • You cannot modify a filter that is in use. To create a new filter, see: Replace an Existing Filter.

  • You can only rename collections in certain situations. For more details see: Adding and Renaming Collections.

  • If a filter includes a view but not the base collection, only the view metadata syncs to the destination cluster. To include the view documents, you must also sync the base collection.

  • You cannot specify system collections or system databases in a filter.

  • To use the $out aggregation stage or the mapReduce command (when set to create or replace a collection) with filtering, you must configure the filter to use the entire database. You cannot limit the filter to collections within the database.

    For more information, see Filtering with mapReduce and $out.

  • Filtering does not support dual write blocking. You can use destination-only write-blocking.

Starting in 1.3.0, Cluster-to-Cluster Sync supports capped collections with some limitations.

Capped collections on the source cluster work normally during sync.

Capped collections on the destination cluster have temporary changes during sync:

  • There is no maximum number of documents.

  • The maximum collection size is 1PB.

mongosync restores the original values for maximum number of documents and maximum document size during commit.

Cluster-to-Cluster Sync does not replicate system collections to the destination cluster.

If you issue a dropDatabase command on the source cluster, this change is not directly applied on the destination cluster. Instead, Cluster-to-Cluster Sync drops user collections and views in the database on the destination cluster, but it does not drop system collections on that database.

For example, on the destination cluster:

  • The drop operation does not affect a user-created system.js collection.

  • If you enable profiling, the system.profile collection remains.

  • If you create views on the source cluster and then drop the database, replicating the drop removes the views, but leaves an empty system.views collection.

In these cases, the replication of dropDatabase removes all user-created collections from the database, but leaves its system collections on the destination cluster.

mongosync does not support rolling index builds during migration. To avoid building indexes in a rolling fashion during migration, use one of the following methods to ensure that your destination indexes match your source indexes:

  • Build the index on the source before migration.

  • Build the index on the source during migration with a default index build.

  • Build the index on the destination after migration.

Starting in 1.9, mongosync can use an embedded verifier to confirm the successful sync of collections from the source cluster to the destination cluster.

The embedded verifier is not available in mongosync 1.8 and earlier.

For alternative verification methods, see Verify Data Transfer.

The embedded verifier has the following limitations:

  • mongosync stores the verifier state in memory, which can result in a significant memory overhead. To run the verifier, mongosync requires approximately 10 GB of memory, plus an additional 500 MB for every 1 million documents.

  • The verifier cannot be resumed. If a user stops or pauses sync and then starts mongosync again for any reason, the verification process restarts from the beginning. This can cause verification to fall substantially behind the migration.

  • If you start sync with verification enabled and buildIndexes set to never, the migration will fail if mongosync finds a TTL collection on the source cluster. This can happen after you call the /start endpoint or much later, such as where a user creates a TTL index on the source cluster while a migration is in progress.

    To sync TTL collections without building indexes on the destination cluster, you must start sync with the verifier disabled.

  • If you live upgrade from any version before 1.9.0, mongosync disables embedded verification.

The verifier doesn't check the following namespaces:

  • Capped collections

  • Collections with TTL indexes, including TTL indexes that are added or dropped during migration

  • Collections that don't use the default collation

  • Views

The verifier doesn't check the following collection features:

  • Collection metadata

  • Indexes

To verify the above data and metadata, script additional checks for these collections and collection features. For more information, see Verify Data Transfer.


Starting in version 1.10, the verifier checks for data inconsistencies from a DDL event that occurred on the pre-6.0 source cluster during migration. This is because pre-6.0 migrations do not support DDL events.

To learn more, see Pre-6.0 Migration Limitations.

mongosync doesn't migrate Persistent Query Settings (PQS), which were introduced in MongoDB 8.0. If your source cluster uses PQS, you must migrate them manually.

Starting in 1.10, mongosync supports migrations from source clusters running MongoDB server versions older than 6.0. For information on supported migration paths, see MongoDB Server Version Compatibility.

The following limitations apply to pre-6.0 migrations:

  • Writes that produce DDL events cannot occur on the source cluster during the migration. The following events cannot occur:

    • collMod

    • create

    • createIndexes

    • drop

    • dropDatabase

    • dropIndexes

    • refineCollectionShardKey

    • rename

    • reshardCollection

    • shardCollection

    This includes operations that may create new collections such as mapReduce, $out, and $merge. This also includes collections created implicitly from inserts. Only writes that produce CRUD events can occur during the migration.


    Writes that produce DDL events on source collections outside of the namespace filter are allowed.

  • geoHaystack indexes are not supported.

  • /reverse endpoint is not supported. You can't enable the reversible option in the /start request.

  • You can't set the enableUserWriteBlocking option to "sourceAndDestination" in the /start request, so dual write-blocking is not supported. Destination-only write-blocking is supported. Ensure that no writes are made to the source cluster after you call the /commit endpoint.

  • You can't enable the createSupportingIndexes sharding parameter. Instead, create an index to support your shard key on the source cluster.

  • If there are any indexes with inconsistent specs or that are missing mongosync returns an error. To check for index inconsistencies, see Find Inconsistent Indexes Across Shards.

  • For source clusters running MongoDB 4.4, SRV connection strings are not supported. You must use a standard connection string.


Reverse Sync Direction