Title and Description
You can give a chart a title and/or a description at any time when the chart is open for editing. The title and description appear above the chart wherever the chart is rendered.
To create a title for a chart:
Click Enter a title above the chart.
Enter your desired title.
Click the check mark below the text box to save your title.
To create a description for a chart:
Click Enter a description above the chart.
Enter your desired text. Select one or more words to format the highlighted text. Formatting options include:
Click the check mark below the text box to save your description.
Descriptions are limited to a single line of text. If the text exceeds the space available on one line, it is truncated.
Both title and description are blank by default. If you don't create a title or description for a chart, the chart expands to occupy the space a title or description would otherwise occupy.