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atlas clusters onlineArchives create
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Create an online archive for a collection in the specified cluster.
You can create an online archive for an M10 or larger cluster.
To learn more about online archives, see
To use this command, you must authenticate with a user account or an API key that has the Project Data Access Admin role.
atlas clusters onlineArchives create [options]
Name | Type | Required | Description |
--archiveAfter | float | true | Number of days after which to archive cluster data. |
--clusterName | string | true | Name of the cluster. |
--collection | string | true | Name of the collection. |
--dateField | string | true | Name of an already indexed date field from the documents. |
--dateFormat | string | false | Date format for the date field. Valid values are ISODATE, EPOCH_SECONDS, EPOCH_MILLIS, or EPOCH_NANOSECONDS. This value defaults to "ISODATE". |
--db | string | true | Name of the database. |
-h, --help | false | help for create | |
-o, --output | string | false | Output format. Valid values are json, json-path, go-template, or go-template-file. |
--partition | strings | false | Fields to use to partition data. You can specify up to two frequently queried fields, separated by a comma, in the following format: <fieldname>:<datatype>. The data type must match the data type of the field in the document. |
--projectId | string | false | Hexadecimal string that identifies the project to use. This option overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable. |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Human-readable label that identifies the profile to use from your configuration file. To learn about profiles for the Atlas CLI, see To learn about profiles for MongoCLI, see |
# Create an online archive for the sample_mflix.movies collection in a cluster named myTestCluster when the current date is greater than the value of released date plus 2 days: atlas clusters onlineArchive create --clusterName myTestCluster --db sample_mflix --collection movies --dateField released --archiveAfter 2 --output json
# Create an online archive for the sample_mflix.movies collection in a cluster named myTestCluster using a profile named egAtlasProfile when the current date is greater than the value of the released date plus 2 days. Data is partitioned based on the title field, year field, and released field from the documents in the collection: atlas clusters onlineArchive create --clusterName myTestCluster --db sample_mflix --collection movies --dateField released --archiveAfter 2 --partition title:string,year:int --output json -P egAtlasProfile