atlas api performanceAdvisor
On this page
experimental: Returns suggested indexes and slow query data for a database deployment.
Also enables or disables MongoDB Cloud-managed slow operation thresholds. To view field values in a sample query, you must have the Project Data Access Read Only role or higher. Otherwise, MongoDB Cloud returns redacted data rather than the field values.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-h, --help | false | help for performanceAdvisor |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Name of the profile to use from your configuration file. To learn about profiles for the Atlas CLI, see |
Related Commands
atlas api performanceAdvisor disableSlowOperationThresholding - experimental: Disables the slow operation threshold that MongoDB Cloud calculated for the specified project.
atlas api performanceAdvisor enableSlowOperationThresholding - experimental: Enables MongoDB Cloud to use its slow operation threshold for the specified project.
atlas api performanceAdvisor getManagedSlowMs - experimental: Get whether the Managed Slow MS feature is enabled.
atlas api performanceAdvisor getServerlessAutoIndexing - experimental: Get whether the Serverless Auto Indexing feature is enabled.
atlas api performanceAdvisor listClusterSuggestedIndexes - experimental: Returns the indexes that the Performance Advisor suggests.
atlas api performanceAdvisor listDropIndexes - experimental: Returns the indexes that the Performance Advisor suggests to drop.
atlas api performanceAdvisor listSchemaAdvice - experimental: Returns the schema suggestions that the Performance Advisor detects.
atlas api performanceAdvisor listSlowQueries - experimental: Returns log lines for slow queries that the Performance Advisor and Query Profiler identified.
atlas api performanceAdvisor listSlowQueryNamespaces - experimental: Returns up to 20 namespaces for collections experiencing slow queries on the specified host.
atlas api performanceAdvisor listSuggestedIndexes - experimental: Returns the indexes that the Performance Advisor suggests.
atlas api performanceAdvisor setServerlessAutoIndexing - experimental: Set whether the Serverless Auto Indexing feature is enabled.