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Handle Errors in Functions

On this page

  • View Logs
  • Retry Functions
  • Recursively Call Function in Error Handling Blocks
  • Use Database Triggers to Retry

This page explains how to work with errors in Atlas Functions.


Custom Error Handling for Database Triggers Using AWS EventBridge

You can create a custom error handler specifically for database Triggers using AWS EventBridge. For more information, refer to Custom Error Handling.

You can handle Function errors using standard JavaScript error handling techniques like try...catch statements.

function willThrowAndHandleError() {
try {
throw new Error("This will always happen");
} catch (err) {
console.error("An error occurred. Error message:" + err.message);
exports = willThrowAndHandleError;

You can view records of all Function executions invoked by an Atlas Trigger on the Logs page. This includes Functions that failed to successfully execute due to an error.

For more information, see Trigger Logs.

Atlas Functions do not have built-in retry behavior.

You can add custom retry behavior. For example, you might want to add retry behavior if the third-party service that your Function calls has intermittent connectivity, and you want the Function to re-execute even if the third-party service is temporarily down.

The following sections describe the available strategies to add retry behavior to your Functions:

You can handle operations that might fail by calling a Function recursively.

On a high level, this process includes the following components:

  • Execute operations that you want to retry in a try statement and have the Function call itself in a catch statement.

  • To prevent indefinite execution, set a maximum number of retries. Every time the Function fails and enters the catch statement, increment a count of the current number of retries. Stop the recursive execution when the Function's current number of retries reaches the max number of retries.

  • You may also want to throttle retries to reduce the total number of executions in a time frame.

The following table describes some advantages and disadvantages of handling Function retries with the recursive call strategy.

  • All retry logic occurs within one function.

  • Function can return a value after a retry.

  • Minimal additional code.

  • All retries must occur within a single Function's max execution time.

The following code example demonstrates an implementation of retrying a Function by using recursion in error-handling blocks:

Recursive Call Strategy Example
// Utility function to suspend execution of current process
async function sleep(milliseconds) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
// Set variables to be used by all calls to `mightFail`
// Tip: You could also store `MAX_RETRIES` and `THROTTLE_TIME_MS`
// in App Services Values
const MAX_RETRIES = 5;
const THROTTLE_TIME_MS = 5000;
let currentRetries = 0;
let errorMessage = "";
async function mightFail(...inputVars) {
if (currentRetries === MAX_RETRIES) {
`Reached maximum number of retries (${MAX_RETRIES}) without successful execution.`
console.error("Error Message:", errorMessage);
let res;
try {
// operation that might fail
res = await callFlakyExternalService(...inputVars);
} catch (err) {
errorMessage = err.message;
// throttle retries
await sleep(THROTTLE_TIME_MS);
res = await mightFail(...inputVars);
return res;
exports = mightFail;

You can also retry Functions by using a Database Trigger to execute retries and a MongoDB collection to track previously-failed executions.

On a high level, this process includes the following components:

  • Main Function that executes the logic you want to retry, wrapped in the handler function.

  • Failed execution tracker MongoDB collection that tracks failed executions of the main Function.

  • Handler Function that invokes the main Function and logs when the function fails to the failed execution tracker collection.

  • Database Trigger Function that reruns the handler function whenever the handler function adds an error to the failed execution tracker collection.

You can support multiple main functions with one set of a handler Function, execution tracker collection, and Database Trigger Function.

  • Each retry is its own Function execution, with own max execution time and resources.

  • If the Function is retried, it cannot return a value.

  • Each Function call requires two Function invocations, one for the Function itself and one for the retry handler.

  • More complex logic, which can be more difficult to write, debug, and monitor.

You can create a retry mechanism for Functions in the Atlas UI or using the App Services CLI. The following procedure walks you through creating a handler, a retry Database Trigger Function, and a main Function.


First, create the handler Function handleRetry that invokes the main Function.

handleRetry accepts the following parameters:



JavaScript Function

Function to retry.



Name of the function you want to retry.



Unique identifier for the main function's execution, including retries.



How many times the main function has previously been tried.


Rest parameters

Indefinite number of arguments passed to the main function.

handleRetry performs the following operations:

  1. Attempts to execute functionToRetry in a try statement. If the execution is successful, handleRetry returns the value returned by functionToRetry.

  2. If the execution of functionToRetry in the previous step throws an error, the catch statement handles the error as follows:

    1. Checks if the number of previous retries equals the maximum permitted number of retries. If the two numbers are the same, then the function throws an error because the max retries has been reached. The function no longer attempts to retry.

    2. Build a function execution log entry object to insert into the database.

    3. Get a reference to the failed execution tracker collection.

    4. Insert the function log execution log entry into the failed execution tracker collection. This insertion operation causes the Database Trigger Function, which you will make in the next step, to fire.

The main function is passed as the argument functionToRetry. handleRetry attempts to execute the main Function. If the execution fails, this function attempts to retry the main function.

  1. Navigate to Functions. Click the button Create New Function.

  2. In the field Name, add handleRetry.

  3. In the Function Editor add the following code, then save the Function:

    // Tip: You could also put this in an App Services Value
    const MAX_FUNC_RETRIES = 5;
    async function handleRetry(
    ) {
    try {
    // Try to execute the main function
    const response = await functionToRetry(...args);
    return response;
    } catch (err) {
    // Evaluates if should retry function again.
    // If no retry, throws error and stops retrying.
    if (previousRetries === MAX_FUNC_RETRIES) {
    throw new Error(
    `Maximum number of attempts reached (${MAX_FUNC_RETRIES}) for function '${functionName}': ${err.message}`
    // Build function execution log entry for insertion into database.
    const logEntry = {
    errorMessage: err.message,
    timestamp: new Date(),
    retries: previousRetries + 1,
    // Get reference to database collection
    const executionLog =
    // Add execution log entry to database
    await executionLog.insertOne(logEntry);
    exports = handleRetry;
  1. Add the following to functions/config.json:

    "name": "handleRetry",
    "private": true,
    "run_as_system": true
    // ...other configuration
  2. Create the file for the Function functions/handleRetry.js:

    // Tip: You could also put this in an App Services Value
    const MAX_FUNC_RETRIES = 5;
    async function handleRetry(
    ) {
    try {
    // Try to execute the main function
    const response = await functionToRetry(...args);
    return response;
    } catch (err) {
    // Evaluates if should retry function again.
    // If no retry, throws error and stops retrying.
    if (previousRetries === MAX_FUNC_RETRIES) {
    throw new Error(
    `Maximum number of attempts reached (${MAX_FUNC_RETRIES}) for function '${functionName}': ${err.message}`
    // Build function execution log entry for insertion into database.
    const logEntry = {
    errorMessage: err.message,
    timestamp: new Date(),
    retries: previousRetries + 1,
    // Get reference to database collection
    const executionLog =
    // Add execution log entry to database
    await executionLog.insertOne(logEntry);
    exports = handleRetry;
  3. Deploy your changes:

    Run the following command to deploy your changes:

    appservices push
  1. Navigate to the Triggers page:

    1. If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

    2. If it's not already displayed, select your project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

    3. In the sidebar, click Triggers under the Services heading.

      The Triggers page displays.

  2. Click Add a Trigger.

  3. Create the Trigger with the following configuration:



    Name of your choosing (ex: retryOperation)



    Skip Events on Re-Enable


    Event Ordering


    Cluster Name

    Name of your choosing (ex: mongodb-atlas)

    Database Name

    Name of your choosing (ex: logs)

    Collection Name

    Name of your choosing (ex: failed_execution_logs)

    Operation Type


    Full Document


    Document Preimage


    Select An Event Type



    Click + New Function. Refer to the following information about the contents of the function.

    Advanced Configuration

    N/A - No advanced configuration necessary.

  4. Now add the code to the Function that the Trigger invokes.

    The function retryOperation takes as a parameter logEntry, the document that the retry handler posted to the failed execution tracker collection. Then, retryOperation uses context.functions.execute() to invoke the main function with information from logEntry.

    1. In the field Function Name, add retryOperationDbTrigger.

    2. For the field Function, add the following code, then save the Trigger:

      async function retryOperation({ fullDocument: logEntry }) {
      // parse values from log entry posted to database
      const { args, retries, functionName, operationId } = logEntry;
      // Re-execute the main function
      await context.functions.execute(functionName, ...args, operationId, retries);
      exports = retryOperation;
  1. Authenticate a MongoDB Atlas user:

    Use your MongoDB Atlas Administration API Key to log in to the App Services CLI:

    appservices login --api-key="<API KEY>" --private-api-key="<PRIVATE KEY>"
  2. Pull your App's latest configuration files:

    Run the following command to get a local copy of your configuration files:

    appservices pull --remote=<App ID>

    By default, the command pulls files into the current working directory. You can specify a directory path with the optional --local flag.

  3. Add configuration for the Database Trigger. For more information, refer to the Trigger configuration reference.

    "name": "retry",
    "type": "DATABASE",
    "config": {
    "operation_types": ["INSERT"],
    "database": "logs",
    "collection": "failed_execution_logs",
    "service_name": "mongodb-atlas",
    "project": {},
    "full_document": true,
    "full_document_before_change": false,
    "unordered": false,
    "skip_catchup_events": false
    "disabled": false,
    "event_processors": {
    "FUNCTION": {
    "config": {
    "function_name": "retryOperationDbTrigger"
  4. Now add the code to the functions/config.json Function that the Trigger invokes.

    The function retryOperation takes as a parameter logEntry, the document that the retry handler posted to the failed execution tracker collection. Then, retryOperation uses context.functions.execute() to invoke the main function with information from logEntry.

    // ...other configuration
    "name": "retryOperationDbTrigger",
    "private": true
  5. Add the following code to the file functions/retryOperationDbTrigger.js:

    async function retryOperation({ fullDocument: logEntry }) {
    // parse values from log entry posted to database
    const { args, retries, functionName, operationId } = logEntry;
    // Re-execute the main function
    await context.functions.execute(functionName, ...args, operationId, retries);
    exports = retryOperation;
  6. Deploy your changes:

    Run the following command to deploy your changes:

    appservices push

Now that you have the function handler and the retry Database Trigger Function, you can write the main function.

In the following example, the Function randomly throws an error when performing addition. The JavaScript functions that execute this logic are the following:

  • getRandomOneTwoThree(): Helper function for generating errors for the example.

  • additionOrFailure(): Function with the main logic.

The invocation of additionOrFailure() wrapped by the retry handler occurs in the exported function additionWithRetryHandler(). All functions that use the retry handler function should resemble this function.

You must include the correct parameters to make this function work with the rest of the retry logic. These parameters are:



Rest parameters

Zero or more parameters to pass to the function with main logic. In the case of this example, the two numbers added in additionOrFailure(), num1 and num2.


Unique identifier for the Function call and retries. Set default value to a new BSON.ObjectId().



Set default value to 0.

The body of additionWithRetryHandler is the retry handler handleRetry invoked by context.functions.execute(), which in turn invokes additionOrFailure. The arguments you pass to context.functions.execute() are the following:




Name of the Function you defined to invoke the main function and post to the retry logs if the main function doesn't properly execute.


JavaScript function

The main function that handleRetry() invokes.



Passed in as argument from the parameter operationId of additionWithRetryHandler().



Passed in as argument from the parameter retries of additionWithRetryHandler().


Spread arguments

Zero or more arguments to pass to the function with main logic. Passed in as argument from the parameter ...args of additionWithRetryHandler()

  1. In the field Function Name, add additionWithRetryHandler.

  2. For the field Function, add the following code:

    // randomly generates 1, 2, or 3
    function getRandomOneTwoThree() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
    function additionOrFailure(num1, num2) {
    // Throw error if getRandomOneTwoThree returns 1
    const rand = getRandomOneTwoThree();
    if (rand === 1) throw new Error("Uh oh!!");
    const sum = num1 + num2;
    console.log(`Successful addition of ${num1} + ${num2}. Result: ${sum}`);
    // Otherwise return the sum
    return sum;
    async function additionWithRetryHandler(
    // create a new `operation_id` if one not provided
    operationId = new BSON.ObjectId(),
    // count number of attempts
    retries = 0
    ) {
    const res = await context.functions.execute(
    "additionWithRetryHandler", // MUST BE NAME OF FUNCTION
    return res;
    exports = additionWithRetryHandler;
  3. Click Save.

  1. Add the Function metadata to functions/config.json:

    // ...other configuration
    "name": "additionWithRetryHandler",
    "private": false
  2. Add the following code to the file functions/additionWithRetryHandler.js:

    // randomly generates 1, 2, or 3
    function getRandomOneTwoThree() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
    function additionOrFailure(num1, num2) {
    // Throw error if getRandomOneTwoThree returns 1
    const rand = getRandomOneTwoThree();
    if (rand === 1) throw new Error("Uh oh!!");
    const sum = num1 + num2;
    console.log(`Successful addition of ${num1} + ${num2}. Result: ${sum}`);
    // Otherwise return the sum
    return sum;
    async function additionWithRetryHandler(
    // create a new `operation_id` if one not provided
    operationId = new BSON.ObjectId(),
    // count number of attempts
    retries = 0
    ) {
    const res = await context.functions.execute(
    "additionWithRetryHandler", // MUST BE NAME OF FUNCTION
    return res;
    exports = additionWithRetryHandler;
  3. Deploy your changes:

    Run the following command to deploy your changes:

    appservices push

Now when you invoke additionWithRetryHandler, the Function will retry if it fails.


External Dependencies