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On this page

  • Definition
  • Syntax
  • Options
  • Examples

The geoShape operator supports querying shapes with a relation to a given geometry if indexShapes is set to true in the index definition.

When specifying the coordinates to search, longitude must be specified first and then the latitude. Longitude values can be between -180 and 180, both inclusive. Latitude values can be between -90 and 90, both inclusive. Coordinate values can be integers or doubles.


Atlas Search does not support the following:

  • Non-default coordinate reference system (CRS)

  • Planar XY coordinate system (2 dimensional)

  • Coordinate pairs Point notation (that is, pointFieldName: [12, 34])

2 "$search": {
3 "index": <index name>, // optional, defaults to "default"
4 "geoShape": {
5 "path": "<field-to-search>",
6 "relation": "contains | disjoint | intersects | within",
7 "geometry": <GeoJSON-object>,
8 "score": <score-options>
9 }
10 }

geoShape uses the following terms to construct a query:

GeoJSON object

GeoJSON object that specifies the Polygon, MultiPolygon, or LineString shape or point to search. The polygon must be specified as a closed loop where the last position is the same as the first position.

When calculating geospatial results, Atlas Search geoShape and geoWithin operators and MongoDB $geoIntersects operator use different geometries. This difference can be seen in how Atlas Search and MongoDB draw polygonal edges.

Atlas Search draws polygons based on Cartesian distance, which is the shortest line between two points in the coordinate reference system.

MongoDB draws polygons using third-party library for geodesic types that use geodesic lines. To learn more, see GeoJSON Objects.

Atlas Search and MongoDB could return different results for geospatial queries involving polygons.

string or array of strings
Indexed geo type field or fields to search. See Path Construction for more information.

Relation of the query shape geometry to the indexed field geometry. Value can be one of the following:

  • contains - Indicates that the indexed geometry contains the query geometry.

  • disjoint - Indicates that both the query and indexed geometries have nothing in common.

  • intersects - Indicates that both the query and indexed geometries intersect.

  • within - Indicates that the indexed geometry is within the query geometry. You can't use within with LineString or Point.


Score to assign to matching search results. By default, the score in the results is 1. You can modify the score using the following options:

  • boost: multiply the result score by the given number.

  • constant: replace the result score with the given number.

  • function: replace the result score with the given expression.

For information on using score in your query, see Score the Documents in the Results.


The following examples use the listingsAndReviews collection in the sample_airbnb database. If you have the sample dataset on your cluster, you can create a custom Atlas Search index for geo type and run the example queries on your cluster.


If you've already loaded the sample dataset, follow the Get Started with Atlas Search tutorial to create an index definition and run Atlas Search queries.

The following is a sample index definition for indexing the address.location field in the listingsAndReviews collection:

2 "mappings": {
3 "fields": {
4 "address": {
5 "fields": {
6 "location": {
7 "indexShapes": true,
8 "type": "geo"
9 }
10 },
11 "type": "document"
12 }
13 }
14 }

The Get Started with Atlas Search contains instructions for loading the sample dataset, creating an index definition, and running Atlas Search queries.


For the following sample queries, make sure that indexShapes in the index definition is set to true.

The following example uses the geoShape operator to search for properties that have nothing in common with the specified longitude and latitude coordinates in Hawaii.

The query includes a:

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results.

  • $project stage to exclude all fields except name and address.

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "geoShape": {
5 "relation": "disjoint",
6 "geometry": {
7 "type": "Polygon",
8 "coordinates": [[[-161.323242,22.512557],
9 [-152.446289,22.065278],
10 [-156.09375,17.811456],
11 [-161.323242,22.512557]]]
12 },
13 "path": "address.location"
14 }
15 }
16 },
17 {
18 $limit: 3
19 },
20 {
21 $project: {
22 "_id": 0,
23 "name": 1,
24 "address": 1,
25 score: { $meta: "searchScore" }
26 }
27 }

The query returns the following search results:

2 "name" : "Ribeira Charming Duplex",
3 "address" : {
4 "street" : "Porto, Porto, Portugal",
5 "suburb" : "",
6 "government_area" : "Cedofeita, Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, Nicolau, Vitória",
7 "market" : "Porto",
8 "country" : "Portugal",
9 "country_code" : "PT",
10 "location" : {
11 "type" : "Point",
12 "coordinates" : [ -8.61308, 41.1413 ],
13 "is_location_exact" : false
14 }
15 }
18 "name" : "Horto flat with small garden",
19 "address" : {
20 "street" : "Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil",
21 "suburb" : "Jardim Botânico",
22 "government_area" : "Jardim Botânico",
23 "market" : "Rio De Janeiro",
24 "country" : "Brazil",
25 "country_code" : "BR",
26 "location" : {
27 "type" : "Point",
28 "coordinates" : [ -43.23074991429229, -22.966253551739655 ],
29 "is_location_exact" : true
30 }
31 }
34 "name" : "Private Room in Bushwick",
35 "address" : {
36 "street" : "Brooklyn, NY, United States",
37 "suburb" : "Brooklyn",
38 "government_area" : "Bushwick",
39 "market" : "New York",
40 "country" : "United States",
41 "country_code" : "US",
42 "location" : {
43 "type" : "Point",
44 "coordinates" : [ -73.93615, 40.69791 ],
45 "is_location_exact" : true
46 }
47 }

The following example uses the geoShape operator to search for properties that intersect with the specified longitude and latitude coordinates in Spain.

The query includes a:

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results.

  • $project stage to exclude all fields except name and address.

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "geoShape": {
5 "relation": "intersects",
6 "geometry": {
7 "type": "MultiPolygon",
8 "coordinates": [
9 [[[2.16942,41.40082],
10 [2.17963,41.40087],
11 [2.18146,41.39716],
12 [2.15533,41.40686],
13 [2.14596,41.38475],
14 [2.17519,41.41035],
15 [2.16942,41.40082]]],
16 [[[2.16365,41.39416],
17 [2.16963,41.39726],
18 [2.15395,41.38005],
19 [2.17935,41.43038],
20 [2.16365,41.39416]]]
21 ]
22 },
23 "path": "address.location"
24 }
25 }
26 },
27 {
28 $limit: 3
29 },
30 {
31 $project: {
32 "_id": 0,
33 "name": 1,
34 "address": 1,
35 score: { $meta: "searchScore" }
36 }
37 }

The query returns the following search results:

2 "name" : "Cozy bedroom Sagrada Familia",
3 "address" : {
4 "street" : "Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain",
5 "suburb" : "Eixample",
6 "government_area" : "el Fort Pienc",
7 "market" : "Barcelona",
8 "country" : "Spain",
9 "country_code" : "ES",
10 "location" : {
11 "type" : "Point",
12 "coordinates" : [ 2.17963, 41.40087 ],
13 "is_location_exact" : true
14 }
15 }
18 "name" : "",
19 "address" : {
20 "street" : "Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain",
21 "suburb" : "Vila de Gràcia",
22 "government_area" : "la Vila de Gràcia",
23 "market" : "Barcelona",
24 "country" : "Spain",
25 "country_code" : "ES",
26 "location" : {
27 "type" : "Point",
28 "coordinates" : [ 2.15759, 41.40349 ],
29 "is_location_exact" : true
30 }
31 }
35 "address" : {
36 "street" : "Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain",
37 "suburb" : "L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample",
38 "government_area" : "l'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample",
39 "market" : "Barcelona",
40 "country" : "Spain",
41 "country_code" : "ES",
42 "location" : {
43 "type" : "Point",
44 "coordinates" : [ 2.15255, 41.39193 ],
45 "is_location_exact" : true
46 }
47 }

The following example uses the geoShape operator to search for properties in New York that are within the specified longitude and latitude coordinates. The queries searches the address.location field in the listingsAndReviews collection in the sample_airbnb database.

The query includes a:

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 3 results.

  • $project stage to exclude all fields except name and address.

2 {
3 "$search": {
4 "geoShape": {
5 "relation": "within",
6 "geometry": {
7 "type": "Polygon",
8 "coordinates": [[[-74.3994140625,40.5305017757],
9 [-74.7290039063,40.5805846641],
10 [-74.7729492188,40.9467136651],
11 [-74.0698242188,41.1290213475],
12 [-73.65234375,40.9964840144],
13 [-72.6416015625,40.9467136651],
14 [-72.3559570313,40.7971774152],
15 [-74.3994140625,40.5305017757]]]
16 },
17 "path": "address.location"
18 }
19 }
20 },
21 {
22 $limit: 3
23 },
24 {
25 $project: {
26 "_id": 0,
27 "name": 1,
28 "address": 1,
29 score: { $meta: "searchScore" }
30 }
31 }

The query returns the following search results:

2 "name" : "Private Room in Bushwick",
3 "address" : {
4 "street" : "Brooklyn, NY, United States",
5 "suburb" : "Brooklyn",
6 "government_area" : "Bushwick",
7 "market" : "New York",
8 "country" : "United States",
9 "country_code" : "US",
10 "location" : {
11 "type" : "Point",
12 "coordinates" : [ -73.93615, 40.69791 ],
13 "is_location_exact" : true
14 }
15 },
16 {
17 "name" : "New York City - Upper West Side Apt",
18 "address" : {
19 "street" : "New York, NY, United States",
20 "suburb" : "Manhattan",
21 "government_area" : "Upper West Side",
22 "market" : "New York",
23 "country" : "United States",
24 "country_code" : "US",
25 "location" : {
26 "type" : "Point",
27 "coordinates" : [ -73.96523, 40.79962 ],
28 "is_location_exact" : false
29 }
30 },
31 "score" : 1
32 }
33 {
34 "name" : "Deluxe Loft Suite",
35 "address" : {
36 "street" : "Brooklyn, NY, United States",
37 "suburb" : "Greenpoint",
38 "government_area" : "Greenpoint",
39 "market" : "New York",
40 "country" : "United States",
41 "country_code" : "US",
42 "location" : {
43 "type" : "Point",
44 "coordinates" : [ -73.94472, 40.72778 ],
45 "is_location_exact" : true
46 }
47 },
48 "score" : 1
49 }

