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Atlas Search Changelog

On this page

  • 2025 Releases
  • 2024 Releases
  • 2023 Releases
  • 2022 Releases
  • 2021 Releases
  • 2020 Releases
  • Supports facet groupings on numbers and dates in arrays.

  • Deprecates the numberFacet and dateFacet field mapping types. Instead, use number and date, respectively.

  • Supports customizing the sort order of null and missing values. To learn more, see Syntax.

  • Avoids deleting the index upon initialization errors.

  • Fixes an issue that caused Search Nodes to crash when disk was full.

  • Supports synonyms in phrase queries.

  • Adds support for the matchCriteria field to the text operator.

  • Changes the behavior of indexes with failed synonyms mapping so that queries which don't use the affected synonyms mapping can run successfully.

  • Fixes a bug that caused consistency issues when using searchAfter or searchBefore with search nodes.

  • Transitions indexes where the index objects limit is reached to a queryable STALE state.

  • Supports indexing token types in embedded documents.

  • Supports using the mongosh command or driver helper methods to create, retrieve, edit, or delete Atlas Search indexes on M0, M2, or M5 Atlas clusters.

  • Upgrades to Java 21.

  • Updates all indexes to support the sort option for number and date types.

  • Automatically indexes null and UUID values if you enable dynamic mappings, which might increase the size of your index.

  • Supports using the range operator and sort option with ObjectId types.

  • Supports using the sort option with boolean values.


Atlas will reindex all of your existing Atlas Search indexes on the Atlas cluster in a rolling manner. The Atlas UI will display alerts that indicate the timing of your reindexing. Clusters not using separate search nodes might notice a temporary increase in disk and CPU utilization during reindexing. For clusters using separate search nodes, Atlas will temporarily deploy additional nodes for free for reindexing and there will be no downtime for swapping of indexes when the new index build completes.

  • Makes Search Nodes on Azure generally available for both your development and production deployments.

  • Introduces Search Nodes support for multi-region and multi-cloud clusters as a Preview feature.

  • Introduces Atlas Search Query Templates in the Search Tester, which makes querying easier with pre-written $search queries including conditional clauses like must and should, autocomplete for search-as-you-type experiences, faceting, and more. To learn more, see Run Atlas Search Queries.

  • Introduces changes to the Atlas Search API endpoints. To learn more, see API Changelog for May 31 2024 Release.

  • Fixes an issue where Atlas Search didn't include the _id field for some documents in the results when using returnStoredSource.

  • Fixes an issue where Atlas Search triggered spurious initial syncs after certain mongod configuration changes.

  • Rebuilds indexes where the definition version is missing.

  • Fixes an issue where Atlas Search didn't generate results for searchAfter or searchBefore queries when scores were tied.

  • Adds the ability to query and sort by null and UUID values.

  • Fixes an issue where sharded Atlas clusters running MongoDB v7.2.0 would return an error for $searchMeta stages that contain the facet collector.

  • Supports retrieving $search results sequentially after or before a reference point, which you can specify using a token generated by the $meta keyword searchSequenceToken. To learn more, see Paginate the Results.

  • Supports using equals, in, and range operators to perform exact matching and filtering on BSON strings indexed as the Atlas Search token type.

  • Supports custom analyzer configuration in the Atlas UI Visual Editor.

  • Supports token type configuration in the Atlas UI Visual Editor.

  • Performs system upgrade. You might notice some indexing and querying performance changes.

  • Supports highlighting for fields if the fields are indexed under a parent field of type document for query predicates specified inside the embeddedDocument operator.

  • Starts initial sync automatically in certain scenarios with sharding.

  • Fixes a bug that caused changes to token field mapping to be ignored.

  • Adds the sort option, which supports sorting in ascending or descending order on fields that you define in your Atlas Search index for sorting.


    Atlas Search sort option is available in sharded clusters only if you run MongoDB v6.0+.

  • Limits the knnBeta operator as a top-level operator.

  • Introduces the ability to perform text, wildcard, regular expression, fuzzy, and range searches on string fields by using the queryString operator.

  • Improves performance of $search with $limit.

  • For Atlas clusters running MongoDB 6.0.8 or later on M10 or higher clusters, introduces ability to create and manage Atlas Search indexes from mongosh and NodeJS driver.


    This release does not allow using the mongosh command or driver helper methods to create, retrieve, edit, or delete Atlas Search indexes on M0, M2, or M5 Atlas clusters.

  • Provides preview of vector search to store, index, and query vectors using Atlas Search.

  • Adds support for restoring Atlas Search indexes from Cloud Backup snapshots of M10 or larger clusters.

  • Supports tracking search terms in queries and viewing query analytics for tracked search terms in the Atlas UI for M10 or higher Atlas clusters.

  • Adds the in operator, which performs a search for an array of values and returns documents where the value of the field equals any value in the specified array.

  • Changes the operator option of the facet collector to be optional. facet queries that you specify without an operator run over all indexed documents.

  • Introduces the ability to edit your Atlas Search query in the Search Tester.

  • Supports the embeddedDocuments type in the Atlas Search visual editor configuration mode in the Atlas UI.

  • Supports statically indexing arrays of strings as the autocomplete type and querying the indexed field using the autocomplete operator.

  • Supports dynamically and statically indexing numbers in arrays and querying the indexed numbers in arrays using the range operator only.

  • Supports dynamically and statically indexing dates in arrays and querying the indexed dates in arrays using the range operator only.

  • Supports dynamically and statically indexing objectIds and arrays of objectIds and querying the indexed objectIds using the equals operator.

  • Supports dynamically and statically indexing booleans and arrays of booleans and querying the booleans using the equals operator.

  • Upgrades to Atlas Search, which include the following:

    In addition to the preceding list of changes, you might notice some indexing and querying performance changes.

  • Introduces moreLikeThis operator to retrieve documents similar to one or more input documents.

  • Introduces embedded documents for $elemMatch-like searches.


    The Atlas Search embeddedDocuments type, embeddedDocument operator, and embedded scoring option are in preview. When an Atlas Search index on a replica set or single MongoDB shard reaches 2,100,000,000 index objects, Atlas Search transitions the index to a stale, queryable state. If you would like Atlas Search to support more than 2,100,000,000 index objects in the future, vote for this request in the MongoDB Feedback Engine.

  • Optimizes internal batching to improve stored source query performance when your query matches a large number of documents (5,000 or more).

  • Introduces a new Project Search Index Editor role to create, view, edit, and delete Atlas Search indexes using the Atlas UI or API.

  • Serves queries using your last valid index if new index definition is invalid.

  • Removes Lucene's default clause limit of 1024 for BooleanQuery on dedicated clusters.


    We are extending support for faceting on numeric and date fields using the number and date types from August to September 2022. You must migrate to the numberFacet and dateFacet types in all index definitions for faceting on numeric and date fields, respectively.

  • Adds the numberFacet and dateFacet data types for running facet queries on number and date fields respectively.


    We are extending support for faceting on numeric and date fields using the number and date types from August to September 2022. You must migrate to the numberFacet and dateFacet types in all index definitions for faceting on numeric and date fields, respectively.

  • Adds reverse token filter, which reverses each string token.

Autocomplete improvements in this release:

  • Adds support for analyzers in the index definition for autocomplete.

  • Boosts exact matches in autocomplete operator.

  • Adds rightEdgeGram tokenization strategy to create edgeGram-like tokens starting at the right side of words (instead of the left side).

Bug fixes in this release:

  • Fixes objectId highlighting error.

  • Allows indexes to enter a recovering state and remain available after encountering certain replication errors.

  • Adds support for synonyms, which can be defined in a source collection and mapped to search indexes via the Atlas API.

  • Adds stopword token filter for removing tokens that match the specified stop words.

  • Supports explain for $search queries.

  • Fixes an issue with highlighting raising errors when combined with ObjectID equality operators.

  • Improves performance of initial sync indexing.

  • Adds maxNumPassages and maxCharsToExamine for highlight.

  • Improves performance of steady state indexing.

  • Removes downtime requirement when rebuilding modified index definitions.

  • Adds a new index option to exclude the norms field, allowing a search index to ignore field length when scoring search results.

  • Adds the tokenOrder option to the autocomplete operator, supporting unordered terms in search queries.

  • Improves error messages to facilitate query debugging, including eliminating stack traces and other Java-specific messages.

  • Adds support for geospatial queries, including:

    • A new geo data type for indexing geographic point and shape coordinates.

    • Two new operators, geoWithin and geoShape, to support queries on geospatial data, such as points and polygons.

  • Adds autocomplete features to support better search-as-you-type functionality, including:

    • A new autocomplete operator and index type.

    • Analyzer-agnostic diacritic folding of field values.

    • Scoring options, such as boost and constant.

    • Compound queries that combine autocomplete with other $search operators.

    • n-grams/shingles and edge n-grams from analyzed text.


To review Atlas Search release notes published before April 2020, see Atlas Changelog.