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Atlas App Services

Device Sync-Compatible Permissions

On this page

  • Sync-Compatible Roles
  • Sync-Compatible Expressions
  • Sync-Compatible Expansions
  • Permission Changes
  • Unified Rules System

When using Device Sync (Flexible Mode), there are special considerations when using the permissions system.

For a guide to setting up Flexible Sync with common permissions models, see the Device Sync Permissions Guide.


Flexible Sync Ignores Custom Collation

Flexible Sync ignores any custom Collation that you may have configured on a MongoDB collection in Atlas. Instead, Synced collections always use {locale: "simple"} when evaluating Sync subscriptions or permissions.

If Device Sync (Flexible Mode) is enabled, an assigned role must be Sync compatible. If the role is not Sync compatible, but its "apply when" evaluated to true, other roles are not considered; access is denied.

A role is not Sync compatible if any of the following conditions are true:

  • or document_filters.write are undefined.

  • A document filter, insert, or delete expression:

    • References a field that is not a queryable field

    • Uses an expansion other than %%true, %%false, %%values, %%environment, or %%user

    • Uses the %function operator

  • Top-level read, top-level write, or field-level permissions are not boolean literals (true or false).

  • Field-level permissions are specified for the _id field.

When Device Sync is enabled, expressions may only refer to the queryable fields of your data model. If a role refers to any other fields, it becomes Sync incompatible and cannot be used with Device Sync.

Because a Sync-enabled App assigns roles at the start of a Sync session before any specific documents are queried, you can't refer to a document or its field values in an "apply when" expression.

When using Device Sync, some expansions are not supported. The following table specifies which expansions are Sync compatible in either the "apply when" or rule expressions:

Can Use in "Apply When"?
Can Use in Rule Expressions?







No. These expansions refer to the document. App Services evaluates "apply when" expressions at session start, so there's no document to evaluate.

No. These expansions might access non-queryable fields of the document, which is not possible.






No. App Services expands the expansions at the start of the session, so the function would not operate on a per-document basis.








App Services causes a client reset if anything about the role changed since the previous session.

At the start of a session, App Services expands all expansions in the "apply when",, and document_filters.write expressions and stores the result. This has the following implications:

  • If the value changes during a session, App Services continues to use the value as it was at the time of session start.

  • On the next session, if the value is different from what it was at the start of this session, App Services causes a client reset.

  • You cannot use the %function operator in read and write rules. Functions would not operate on a per-document basis.

  • You cannot store permissions information (such as "which document IDs may this user access?") in the user object. Changes would not be re-evaluated until the next user session, and updates would cause a client reset.

If a user's permissions have changed since the last Sync session, Sync triggers a client reset and re-downloads all data with the new permissions applied.

A user's permissions might change in the following situations:

A client reset will not be triggered in the following cases:

  • Adding a new collection to an App Services Schema and defining permissions for the new namespace or using default roles. This will not trigger a client reset because permissions have not been applied previously.

  • Configuring custom permissions for the new collection in the same draft as the new schema. Conversely, deploying a draft with permission changes after you deploy the schema will lead to a client reset, since default permissions were applied in the initial deployment.

Prior to February 23, 2023, Device Sync (Flexible Mode) rules existed in the permissions field of the Sync configuration. These permissions now exist in the same configuration files as the non-Sync permissions.

When importing an app configured for the older permissions system, App Services automatically migrates the permissions to the new unified rules system. You should not have to migrate apps manually. If you have an old app configuration, you can import and then re-export the migrated configuration.

For reference, the following changes take place in the migration:

  • Move permissions.defaultRoles to the default_rule.json file in the data source configuration directory at data_sources/<data-source-name>/.

  • Move any collection-specific rules to the rules.json file in the respective collection configuration directories at data_sources/<data-source-name>/<database-name>/<collection-name>/.

  • Rename defaultRoles to roles.

  • Rename applyWhen to apply_when.

  • Move sync read and write into and document_filters.write. Ensure both and document_filters.write are defined.

  • Add the following to the roles, adjusting for your use case. You can only use true or false. Generally, you probably want true. The document_filters will restrict read and write access on a per-document level.

    "read": true,
    "write": true,
    "insert": true,
    "delete": true,
    "search": true


Filter Incoming Queries