User & Authentication Provider Configuration Files
This page describes a legacy configuration file format. You should
only use this information if you're using the deprecated
Any configuration files you pull with App Services CLI or export from the UI use the latest configuration version. For detailed information on the current configuration file format, see App Configuration.
app/ └── auth/ ├── providers.json └── custom_user_data.json
Authentication Providers
You can enable and configure authentication providers in /auth/providers.json
Each field of the configuration is the name of a provider type and contains a configuration object for that provider. Authentication provider configurations share a common structure but each provider type uses a unique set of configuration fields.
You can find detailed information on a specific provider's configuration on that provider's reference page. For a list of all provider reference pages, see Authentication Providers.
{ "<Provider Name>": { "name": "<Provider Name>", "type": "<Provider Type>", "disabled": <Boolean>, "config": { "<Configuration Option>": "<Configuration Value>" }, "secret_config": { "<Configuration Option>": "<Secret Name>" }, "metadata_fields": [ { "required": <Boolean>, "name": "Field Name" }, ... ], "redirect_uris": ["<Application Redirect URI>", ...] }, ... }
Field | Description |
name String | The name of the authentication provider. This will always be the same as
the provider's |
type String | The authentication provider type. Valid options:
disabled Boolean | If |
config Document | A document that contains configuration values that are specific to the authentication provider. The following provider configurations include |
secret_config Document | A document where each field name is a private configuration field for the provider and the value of each field is the name of a Secret that stores the configuration value. The following provider configurations include |
metadata_fields Array<Document> | An array of documents where each document defines a metadata field that describes the user. The existence of this field and the exact format of each metadata field document depends on the provider type. The following provider configurations include |
redirect_uris Array<String> |
Custom User Data
You can configure the custom user data
collection for your app in /auth/custom_user_data.json
{ "enabled": <Boolean>, "mongo_service_name": "<MongoDB Data Source Name>", "database_name": "<Database Name>", "collection_name": "<Collection Name>", "user_id_field": "<Field Name>", "on_user_creation_function_name": "<Function Name>" }
Field Name | Description |
enabled Boolean | If |
mongo_service_name String | The name of the data source that contains the custom user data collection. |
database_name String | The name of the database that contains the custom user data collection. |
collection_name String | The name of the collection that contains the custom user data. |
user_id_field String | The name of the field in custom user data documents that contains the user ID of the application user the document describes. |
on_user_creation_function_name String | The name of the user creation function. |