Wire Protocol
On this page
Atlas App Services natively implements a subset of the MongoDB wire protocol, which allows you to connect to an App through one of its linked MongoDB Atlas data sources using standard MongoDB drivers and tools. Clients use a specialized App Services connection string to connect and send requests. App Services supports most client features over the wire protocol, including role-based data access rules, functions, and service actions.
This is a good choice for languages that do not currently have a Realm
SDK. The examples here are for Python, C++11, and the Mongo Shell. Any
MongoDB driver that supports the
connection string parameter can use the wire protocol to
connect to App Services.
Federated data sources do not support connections via the wire protocol.
Compatible Clients
You can use the following tools and drivers to communicate with App Services using a connection string:
Version 4.0+ of the mongo shell.
Any MongoDB driver that supports the
connection string parameter. All official MongoDB drivers support this parameter in their current releases.
Connections to App Services over the wire protocol have access to the full functionality of the MongoDB Service. However, App Services does not support all operations and features available in standard tools and clients. For details, see MongoDB Service Limitations.
Connection Strings
To connect to App Services over the wire protocol, you must construct a
MongoDB connection string that
includes credentials for an application user and an
application-specific appName
query parameter.
URL Encoding
You must URL encode connection strings before you can use them to connect to App Services. Connection strings in the App Services UI are properly encoded by default.
App Services connection strings have the following form:
All operations that you issue over the wire protocol run in the context of a specific application user that you specify in the connection string. The user must be registered with one of the following authentication providers:
The contents of connection string credentials depend on the authentication provider with which the user registered:
Format |
| ||||
Fields |
| ||||
Example |
Format |
| ||
Fields |
| ||
Example |
Format |
| |||
Fields |
| |||
Example |
The connection string must specify the deployment region and cloud provider in which the App is hosted.
Global Apps use the global
Local Apps specify the cloud provider and region name using
format. For example, an app deployed to
would use the following connection string:
App Services requires specific connection string options that identify the application you want to connect to and the authentication provider associated with the credentials that you provide.
App Services connection strings have the following query parameters:
Parameter | Description | |||||||
| This parameter should always be set to | |||||||
| This parameter should always be set to | |||||||
| Uniquely identifies the application, MongoDB service, and authentication provider to which you want to connect. The
Enable Wire Protocol Connections
You must enable wire protocol connections for a linked clusters before you can connect to an App Services App with a connection string.
Pull the Latest Version of Your App
To enable MongoDB wire protocol connections with the App Services CLI, you need a local copy of your application's configuration files.
To pull a local copy of the latest version of your app, run the following:
appservices pull --remote="<Your App ID>"
You can also download a copy of your application's configuration files from the Deploy > Export App screen in the App Services UI.
Enable Wire Protocol for the Cluster
To enable wire protocol connections for a linked cluster, open the cluster's
file and set the value of config.wireProtocolEnabled
{ "name": "mongodb-atlas", "type": "mongodb-atlas", "config": { "wireProtocolEnabled": true, ... } }
Federated data sources do not support connections via the wire protocol.
Connect Over the Wire Protocol
Connect to App Services with a Connection String
To connect to App Services over the wire protocol, pass a URL-encoded App Services connection string when you create a client, just as you would with a regular connection string.
mongo "mongodb://<user>:<password>@services.cloud.mongodb.com:27020/?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=%24external&ssl=true&appName=realm-application-abcde:mongodb-atlas:local-userpass"
mongocxx::instance instance{}; mongocxx::uri uri("mongodb://<user>:<password>@services.cloud.mongodb.com:27020/?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=%24external&ssl=true&appName=realm-application-abcde:mongodb-atlas:local-userpass"); mongocxx::client client(uri);
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://<user>:<password>@services.cloud.mongodb.com:27020/?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=%24external&ssl=true&appName=realm-application-abcde:mongodb-atlas:local-userpass")
Read and Modify Data
While connected to App Services over the wire protocol you can use standard MongoDB CRUD operations. App Services applies role-based data access rules to all queries in the context of the authenticated user specified in the connection string credentials.
> use HR > db.employees.findOne(); { "_id": ObjectId("5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5"), "employeeId": 854271626, "name": { "first": "Lucas", "last": "Lewis" }, "role": "PM", "salary": 200000, "email": "Lucas.Lewis.0271@company.com", "password": "<password>", "manager": { "id": 328892725, "email": "Daniel.Wilson.0474@company.com", "name": { "first": "Daniel", "last": "Wilson" } } }
mongocxx::database db = client["HR"]; mongocxx::collection employees = db["employees"]; bsoncxx::stdx::optional<bsoncxx::document::value> result = collection.find_one({}); if(result) { std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(result) << "\n"; }
"HR"] db = client["employees"].find_one(); employee = db[ pprint(employee){'_id': ObjectId('5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5'), 'email': 'Lucas.Lewis.0271@company.com', 'employeeId': 854271626.0, 'manager': {'email': 'Daniel.Wilson.0474@company.com', 'id': 328892725.0, 'name': {'first': 'Daniel', 'last': 'Wilson'}}, 'name': {'first': 'Lucas', 'last': 'Lewis'}, 'password': '<password>', 'role': 'PM', 'salary': 200000}
Call a Function
You can call functions using the callFunction
database command.
Command | Description | Prototype | ||||
Calls the specified function and returns any result. |
db.runCommand({ ... callFunction: "getEmployeeById", ... arguments: ["5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5"] ...}); { "ok" : 1, "response" : { "_id": ObjectId("5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5"), "employeeId": 854271626, "name": { "first": "Lucas", "last": "Lewis" }, "role": "PM", "salary": 200000, "email": "Lucas.Lewis.0271@company.com", "password": "<password>", "manager": { "id": 328892725, "email": "Daniel.Wilson.0474@company.com", "name": { "first": "Daniel", "last": "Wilson" } } } }
db.runCommand({ callFunction: "getEmployeeById", arguments: ["5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5"] });
"callFunction", "getEmployeeById", function_result = db.command("5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5"] arguments=[...) pprint.pprint(function_result){'ok': 1, 'response': {'_id': ObjectId('5ae782e48f25b9dc5c51c4a5'), 'email': 'Lucas.Lewis.0271@company.com', 'employeeId': 854271626.0, 'manager': {'email': 'Daniel.Wilson.0474@company.com', 'id': 328892725.0, 'name': {'first': 'Daniel', 'last': 'Wilson'}}, 'name': {'first': 'Lucas', 'last': 'Lewis'}, 'password': '<password>', 'role': 'PM', 'salary': 200000}}
Call a Service Action [DEPRECATED]
You can call service actions using the callServiceFunction
Command | Description | Prototype | |||||
Calls the specified service action and returns any result. |
> db.runCommand({ ... callServiceFunction: "get", ... service: "http", ... arguments: [{ url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1" }] ... }); { "ok" : 1, "response" : { "status" : "200 OK", "statusCode" : 200, "contentLength" : NumberLong(-1), "headers" : { "Content-Type" : ["application/json; charset=utf-8"], "Connection" : ["keep-alive"], "Vary" : ["Origin, Accept-Encoding"], "X-Content-Type-Options" : ["nosniff"], "Via" : ["1.1 vegur"], "X-Powered-By" : ["Express"], "Cf-Cache-Status" : ["HIT"], "Expect-Ct" : ["max-age=604800, report-uri=\"https://example.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct\""], "Set-Cookie" : ["__cfduid=d7f650e765d41beb7598ce2ab62d0c0191536867096; expires=Fri, 13-Sep-19 19:31:36 GMT; path=/; domain=.typicode.com; HttpOnly"], "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" : ["true"], "Cache-Control" : ["public, max-age=14400"], "Pragma" : ["no-cache"], "Etag" : ["W/\"53-hfEnumeNh6YirfjyjaujcOPPT+s\""], "Server" : ["example.com"], "Cf-Ray" : ["459d08f88e1e56db-IAD"], "Date" : ["Thu, 13 Sep 2018 19:31:36 GMT"], "Expires" : ["Thu, 13 Sep 2018 23:31:36 GMT"] }, "cookies" : { "__cfduid" : { "value" : "d7f650e765d41beb7598ce2ab62d0c0191536867096", "path" : "/", "domain" : ".typicode.com", "expires" : "Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 GMT", "maxAge" : 0, "secure" : false, "httpOnly" : true } }, "body" : BinData(0,"ewogICJ1c2VySWQiOiAxLAogICJpZCI6IDEsCiAgInRpdGxlIjogImRlbGVjdHVzIGF1dCBhdXRlbSIsCiAgImNvbXBsZXRlZCI6IGZhbHNlCn0=") } }
db.runCommand({ callServiceFunction: "get", service: "http", arguments: [{ url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1" }] });
"callServiceFunction", "get", result = db.command("http", service="url": "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1"}] arguments=[{...) pprint.pprint(result){'ok': 1, 'response': {'body': b'{\n "userId": 1,\n "id": 1,\n "title": "delectus aut' b' autem",\n "completed": false\n}', 'contentLength': -1, 'cookies': {'__cfduid': {'domain': '.typicode.com', 'expires': 'Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 ' 'GMT', 'httpOnly': True, 'maxAge': 0, 'path': '/', 'secure': False, 'value': 'd4b10004e96ca7fee0be03dceebaf2ab71536866400'}}, 'headers': {'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': ['true'], 'Cache-Control': ['public, max-age=14400'], 'Cf-Cache-Status': ['HIT'], 'Cf-Ray': ['459cf7fc7e20c1bd-IAD'], 'Connection': ['keep-alive'], 'Content-Type': ['application/json; charset=utf-8'], 'Date': ['Thu, 13 Sep 2018 19:20:00 GMT'], 'Etag': ['W/"53-hfEnumeNh6YirfjyjaujcOPPT+s"'], 'Expect-Ct': ['max-age=604800, ' 'report-uri="https://example.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"'], 'Expires': ['Thu, 13 Sep 2018 23:20:00 GMT'], 'Pragma': ['no-cache'], 'Server': ['example.com'], 'Set-Cookie': ['__cfduid=d4b10004e96ca7fee0be03dceebaf2ab71536866400; ' 'expires=Fri, 13-Sep-19 19:20:00 GMT; ' 'path=/; domain=.typicode.com; ' 'HttpOnly'], 'Vary': ['Origin, Accept-Encoding'], 'Via': ['1.1 vegur'], 'X-Content-Type-Options': ['nosniff'], 'X-Powered-By': ['Express']}, 'status': '200 OK', 'statusCode': 200}}
Get the Logged In User's Data
You can get the user object for the authenticated
user using the userProfile
database command.
Command | Description | Prototype | |||
Returns the user object for the authenticated user. |
> db.runCommand({ userProfile: 1 }); { "ok" : 1, "profile" : { "userid" : "5ad7a79e8f25b975898d77b8", "domainid" : ObjectId("5ad7a69746224c054067c8b1"), "identities" : [ { } ], "data" : "{\"email\":\"joe.mango@company.com\"}", "type" : "normal", "roleassignments" : [ ] } }
db.runCommand({ userProfile: 1 });
"userProfile", 1) result = db.command( pprint.pprint(result){'ok': 1, 'profile': {'data': '{"email":"joe.mango@company.com"}', 'domainid': ObjectId('5ad7a69746224c054067c8b1'), 'identities': [{}], 'roleassignments': [], 'type': 'normal', 'userid': '5ad7a79e8f25b975898d77b8'}}