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Schema Logs

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  • Overview
  • Fields

Events related to your App's Atlas Schema create schema logs. This includes both breaking (destructive) and non-breaking (additive) schema updates to tables and fields, as well as the collection scans used to automatically generate schemas based on the form of existing documents.



The kind of event that effected the schema.


Important information about the schema update. This can include:

  • Whether the schema change originated in a client while Development Mode was enabled or from the Atlas App Services backend.

  • The name of the table the schema change effected.

  • The name of the field added or removed from the table.

  • Whether or not the field is/was an embedded list type.

  • Whether or not the field is/was required.

  • The type of the field added or removed from the table.

  • If a new table was created, the primary key field name and type.


The SDK used to send the request. Potential values include any SDK. For a browser, this is <browser> <SDK version>.


This request came from the Realm Web SDK version 10.0.0 running on Mozilla Firefox:

SDK: firefox v10.0.0

This request came from the Realm Java SDK version 10.0.0 running on Android Marshmallow:

SDK: android v10.0.0

Platform Version

The version of App Services that processed the change.

Rule Performance Metrics

A summary of the roles, schemas, and filters applied to a return value. Provides the number of documents that a role applies to as well as the number of fields in those documents that App Services evaluated and potentially withheld.


Function Logs

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