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What is Atlas Search & Quick Start

9 min β€’ Published Oct 25, 2023
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00:00:00Introduction to Atlas and Atlas Search
00:01:13Atlas: A Developer Data Platform
00:02:11Understanding Atlas Search
00:03:12Atlas Search Indexing Process
00:04:08Lucene Library and Search Capabilities
00:05:12Setting Up Your First Atlas Search Index
00:06:03Using the Search Index
00:07:02Exploring the Search Tester and Aggregation Pipeline
00:08:00Utilizing Compass for Aggregation Pipelines
00:09:35Additional Resources and Videos
The primary focus of the video is to introduce MongoDB Atlas and Atlas Search, and to guide viewers through the initial setup of an Atlas Search index.
πŸ”‘ Key Points
  • The video is the first in an eight-part series about Atlas Search.
  • Eric Hatcher, the host, is a Staff Developer Advocate specializing in Atlas Search.
  • The series is designed to be short and informative, helping viewers to quickly get started with Atlas Search.
  • Atlas Search is a Lucene-based full-text search service integrated with MongoDB Atlas.
  • The video includes a quick start guide to setting up your first Atlas Search index.
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Full Video Transcript
hi welcome to the atlas search scene a video series designed to bring you up to speed with Atlas search this is episode one of an eight-part series these are going to be short and sweet videos designed to give you what you need to get started using and effectively leveraging the power of Atlas search on your own data I'm Eric Hatcher your host for the atlas search scene I'm a Staff developer advocate here at mongodb specializing in Atlas search in my role to educate and Empower developers in Atlas search I dreamed up this series to have my own humble home to present and demonstrate the powerful capabilities of Atlas search in this first episode we'll start with an introduction to Atlas and Atlas search and then I'll talk and walk you through setting up and using your first Atlas search index I'd sure appreciate your feedback on the episode in the series if you're enjoying this and would like to see more content on Atlas search clicking like will help us gauge interest and to get notified for the next episodes in this series and to get notified for next episodes in this series click subscribe below let's get started what is atlas Atlas is a developer data platform which provides a tightly integrated collection of data and application infrastructure building blocks allowing development teams to quickly deploy thepoke architectures to address any application need it supports transactional search and analytical use cases across mobile distributed event-driven and servus architectures all while reducing data infrastructure sprawl and complexity the atlas inv enironment contains many pieces of infrastructure that you'll need to build production applications including backups replication sharding charting data Lakes data Federation um and of course Atlas search Atlas is built upon the mongodb database which is based upon the document data model document data model typically stores information about one object and any of its related metadata documents store data in field value pairs the values can be a variety of types and structures including strings numbers dates arrays or objects what is atlas search and how does it fit into the developer data platform Atlas search is a Lucine based service that sits alongside of your mongodb database in the atlas Cloud providing full text search and relevancy querying capabil ilities across your collections the this diagram here shows how the flow of events occurs so when you first set up Atlas search a chain stream listens to your data syncs the entire collection and indexes it into a Lucine index and then a steady state exists where any changes are monitored and mirrored and indexed into that same index and there is a dollar search aggregation query that goes through the qu the aggregation Pipeline and then makes calls to the atlas search service at the heart of this whole thing is this nice little Library called Lucine this Lucine Library we're going to talk about more in future episodes and uh get you um understanding the concepts that are are there Atlas search provides a powerful dollar search aggregation stage that allows you to match documents based off of um exact to extremely fuzzy types of queries providing relevancy ranked results with the best results appearing at the top so you get these powerful selectors that you can query and match documents but you also get relevancy so the best needles in those Hy Stacks come to the top all right let's jump right into the Super super quick start here and gets you going with Atlas search so Atlas search so now we are at our cluster and uh using our cluster what we're going to do is we're going to add the sample documents so over here on the overview of your cluster on these this extra menu here there's a menu item called load sample data set I've already done this so you want to load the sample data sets and then in your collections you'll see these sample data sets here we're going to work with the movies collection so what you do once you've got the samples data in there you go to the search tab here and you can see here that there's no index is already here but it's giving us a a quick start we're just going to take the easy path and choose the visual editor go next now here we'll leave the name default this is the name of your index that you'll reference in your dollar search stage we're going to map the movie's collection and we're just going to going to go through here and there are other options here we're going to go through that in other episodes here but for now let's just go ahead and create our search index now our handy dandy robot here is in the background spinning up a cluster of three search nodes allowing um your data to be indexed and replicated and now our data is being indexed we'll eventually get an email few minutes later that shows that our index has been completed once this index once you get this email now you can start performing searches against that collection so I'm going to hop over to my collection let me just get back here so we're going to we've enabled search and now we're going to go to the search tester I've already got this built in in my own cluster so let's go ahead and go to Cluster zero here and go to search and I've got this index built this is what you'll see when your index gets built and we can just go to this query right here and we can search for things like kananu and we can find movies that keano is in so he's going to be right here as a cast member and this and what we do here is we can see that we've done a query and we can click this handy edit search query over here in this search tester and we can click this copy button here so once you copy that you you can come back over to and there's a link here to the aggregation pipeline So within the atlas UI you can uh perform an aggregation pipeline so we're going to create new we're going to come over here to text and we're going to paste in that query and we can see that we get results here and my screen is too zoomed here to actually show you the results in this view so what we're going to do is take that same query and pop it over into compass compass is our tool to allow you to navigate your mongodb instances Atlas or otherwise but in this case of course Atlas And so it's effectively the same sort of UI that you get in the alas web UI uh but you get your handy desktop application here so good for exporting or copying pasting and and playing around with aggregation pipelines so we're going to come over here we're going to create a new aggregation pipeline use this handy text button over here and select all this and paste in that query that we just did and you can see we get our results now let's do some adjustments here because we don't want to search all the fields we just want to search the cast field and you can see now we changed our results here we can actually search other fields if we like we can search the cast and plot and we'll just toss the title in there for good measure so we can search many fields at the same time all right so you've done the quick start you've got your Atlas search index going um and before you get to the next episodes before these come out um here's some resources to get you uh further along and prepared for the next episodes as we uh continue our Alice search Journey so uh I've been blessed to work with a number of really sharp colleagues who have uh done some previous work with Atlas search and created some really nice videos so there's actually a YouTube playlist for Atlas search in the links below I want to point out a few videos here Jesse has done some videos on Atlas search to EAS to set up autocomplete uh called atas search mongodb Atlas search to easily find your data so Jesse's video um and we's got another one on uh how to get your free mongodb Atlas cluster another colleague Nick has done geospatial work with Atlas search so there's a link to searching on your location with Atlas search and GE spatial operators Nick and Karen have done an elaborate Workshop an hour and a half video on the online Atlas search Workshop building a Netflix clone these are all great resources uh in terms of video content and of course we have our developer Center at mongodb domcom and the atlas search documentation

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