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Instant GraphQL APIs for MongoDB with Grafbase

Jamie Barton7 min read • Published Oct 12, 2023 • Updated Oct 12, 2023
GraphQLData APITypeScriptAtlas
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Instant GraphQL APIs for MongoDB with Grafbase

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, efficient data management and retrieval are paramount for creating dynamic and responsive applications. MongoDB, a versatile NoSQL database, and GraphQL, a powerful query language for APIs, have emerged as a dynamic duo that empowers developers to build robust, flexible, and high-performance applications.
When combined, MongoDB and GraphQL offer a powerful solution for front-end developers, especially when used at the edge.
You may be curious about the synergy between an unstructured database and a structured query language. Fortunately, Grafbase offers a solution that seamlessly combines both by leveraging its distinctive connector schema transformations.


In this tutorial, you’ll see how easy it is to get set up with MongoDB and Grafbase, simplifying the introduction of GraphQL into your applications.
You will need the following to get started:
  • An account with Grafbase
  • An account with MongoDB Atlas
  • A database with data API access enabled

Enable data API access

You will need a database with MongoDB Atlas to follow along — create one now!
For the purposes of this tutorial, I’ve created a free shared cluster with a single database deployment. We’ll refer to this instance as your “Data Source” later.
MongoDB Atlas Dashboard
Locate Data API Access from the Services menu inside the MongoDB Atlas dashboard and enable Read/Write access:
MongoDB Data API Access Rules
Once enabled, copy the URL Endpoint and save it somewhere. We’ll need it in the next section.
MongoDB Data API URL Endpoint
Now navigate to Data API > Users and click Create API Key. Give it a name and generate:
MongoDB Data API Key
Copy the API Key and save it somewhere. We’ll need it in the next section.
Finally, navigate to the Cluster collections and click Add My Own Data to give your database and first collection a name.
MongoDB New Database
Finally, make note of your Linked Data Source and Database you enabled the data API for.

Create a new Grafbase project

Let’s begin by creating a new Grafbase project locally using the CLI.
We’ll be using the npx package runner to invoke the Grafbase CLI, which means we don’t need to install anything.
1npx grafbase init my-mongodb-api
This command will generate a new directory called my-mongodb-api that includes the initial config for Grafbase. You are safe to run this command inside an existing project, such as a frontend repo that you’re creating a GraphQL API for.
You’ll be prompted to select the configuration format for Grafbase. Your choices here are TypeScript and SDL. The TypeScript SDK provides a better developer experience when working with the SDK. You don’t need to be using TypeScript in your frontend project to use this configuration format. It’s sole purpose is for the use of configuring your Grafbase back end.
Before we continue, open the file grafbase/.env and add the environment variables that we obtained above when we enabled the data API:
Now we’ve set up the data API and scaffolded a Grafbase project, we can invoke the Grafbase MongoDB connector with the credentials we obtained previously.

Connect to MongoDB’s Data API

Open the file grafbase/grafbase.config.ts and update the contents with the following:
1import { config, connector, g } from '@grafbase/sdk'
3const mongodb = connector.MongoDB('MongoDB', {
4 url: g.env(MONGO_ATLAS_URL’),
5 apiKey: g.env(MONGO_API_KEY’),
6 dataSource: g.env(MONGO_DATASOURCE’),
7 database: g.env(MONGO_DATABASE’)
12export default config({
13 schema: g
In the code above, we establish a link to MongoDB's Data API by utilizing the environment variables we've incorporated. We then connect this link to the Grafbase Edge Gateway through the g.datasource(mongodb) call.

Create models for data

The MongoDB connector empowers developers to organize their MongoDB collections in a manner that allows Grafbase to autonomously generate the essential queries and mutations for document creation, retrieval, update, and deletion within these collections.
Within Grafbase, each configuration for a collection is referred to as a "model," and you have the flexibility to employ the supported GraphQL Scalars to represent data within the collection(s).
It's important to consider that in cases where you possess pre-existing documents in your collection, not all fields are applicable to every document.
Let’s work under the assumption that you have no existing documents and want to create a new collection for users. Using the Grafbase TypeScript SDK, we can write the schema for each user model. It looks something like this:
1const address = g.type('Address', {
2 street: g.string().mapped('street_name')
6 .model('User', {
7 name: g.string(),
8 email: g.string().optional(),
9 address: g.ref(address)
10 })
11 .collection('users')
This schema will generate a fully working GraphQL API with queries and mutations as well as all input types for pagination, ordering, and filtering:
  • userCreate – Create a new user
  • userCreateMany – Batch create new users
  • userUpdate – Update an existing user
  • userUpdateMany – Batch update users
  • userDelete – Delete a user
  • userDeleteMany – Batch delete users
  • user – Fetch a single user record
  • userCollection – Fetch multiple users from a collection
MongoDB automatically generates collections when you first store data, so there’s no need to manually create a collection for users at this step.
We’re now ready to start the Grafbase development server using the CLI:
1npx grafbase dev
This command runs the entire Grafbase GraphQL API locally that you can use when developing your front end. The Grafbase API communicates directly with your Atlas Data API.
Once the command is running, you’ll be able to visit and explore the GraphQL API.

Insert users with GraphQL to MongoDB instance

Let’s test out creating users inside our MongoDB collection using the generated userCreate mutation that was provided to us by Grafbase.
Using Pathfinder at, execute the following mutation:
1mutation {
2 mongo {
3 userCreate(input: {
4 name: "Jamie Barton",
5 email: "jamie@grafbase.com",
6 age: 40
7 }) {
8 insertedId
9 }
10 }
If everything is hooked up correctly, you should see a response that looks something like this:
2 "data": {
3 "mongo": {
4 "userCreate": {
5 "insertedId": "65154a3d4ddec953105be188"
6 }
7 }
8 }
You should repeat this step a few times to create multiple users.

Update user by ID

Now we’ve created some users in our MongoDB collection, let’s try updating a user by insertedId:
1mutation {
2 mongo {
3 userUpdate(by: {
4 id: "65154a3d4ddec953105be188"
5 }, input: {
6 age: {
7 set: 35
8 }
9 }) {
10 modifiedCount
11 }
12 }
Using the userUpdate mutation above, we set a new age value for the user where the id matches that of the ObjectID we passed in.
If everything was successful, you should see something like this:
2 "data": {
3 "mongo": {
4 "userUpdate": {
5 "modifiedCount": 1
6 }
7 }
8 }

Delete user by ID

Deleting users is similar to the create and update mutations above, but we don’t need to provide any additional input data since we’re deleting only:
1mutation {
2 mongo {
3 userDelete(by: {
4 id: "65154a3d4ddec953105be188"
5 }) {
6 deletedCount
7 }
8 }
If everything was successful, you should see something like this:
2 "data": {
3 "mongo": {
4 "userDelete": {
5 "deletedCount": 1
6 }
7 }
8 }

Fetch all users

Grafbase generates the query userCollection that you can use to fetch all users. Grafbase requires a first or last pagination value with a max value of 100:
1query {
2 mongo {
3 userCollection(first: 100) {
4 edges {
5 node {
6 id
7 name
8 email
9 age
10 }
11 }
12 }
13 }
Here we are fetching the first 100 users from the collection. You can also pass a filter and order argument to tune the results:
1query {
2 mongo {
3 userCollection(first: 100, filter: {
4 age: {
5 gt: 30
6 }
7 }, orderBy: {
8 age: ASC
9 }) {
10 edges {
11 node {
12 id
13 name
14 email
15 age
16 }
17 }
18 }
19 }

Fetch user by ID

Using the same GraphQL API, we can fetch a user by the object ID. Grafbase automatically generates the query user where we can pass the id to the by input type:
1query {
2 mongo {
3 user(
4 by: {
5 id: "64ee1cfbb315482287acea78"
6 }
7 ) {
8 id
9 name
10 email
11 age
12 }
13 }

Enable faster responses with GraphQL Edge Caching

Every request we make so far to our GraphQL API makes a round trip to the MongoDB database. This is fine, but we can improve response times even further by enabling GraphQL Edge Caching for GraphQL queries.
To enable GraphQL Edge Caching, inside grafbase/grafbase.config.ts, add the following to the config export:
1export default config({
2 schema: g,
3 cache: {
4 rules: [
5 {
6 types: 'Query',
7 maxAge: 60
8 }
9 ]
10 }
This configuration will cache any query. If you only want to disable caching on some collections, you can do that too. Learn more about GraphQL Edge Caching.

Deploy to the edge

So far, we’ve been working with Grafbase locally using the CLI, but now it’s time to deploy this around the world to the edge with GitHub.
If you already have an existing GitHub repository, go ahead and commit the changes we’ve made so far. If you don’t already have a GitHub repository, you will need to create one, commit this code, and push it to GitHub.
Now, create a new project with Grafbase and connect your GitHub account. You’ll need to permit Grafbase to read your repository contents, so make sure you select the correct repository and allow that.
Before you click Deploy, make sure to insert the environment variables obtained previously in the tutorial. Grafbase also supports environment variables for preview environments, so if you want to use a different MongoDB database for any Grafbase preview deployment, you can configure that later.
Grafbase Environment Variables for MongoDB Atlas
Now, click Deploy and you will be taken to your project’s dashboard where you can retrieve your API Endpoint and API Key. That’s it! You have a GraphQL API deployed to the edge that is fully managed by Grafbase.

Securing your API

Since Grafbase generates a CRUD API for your MongoDB database and exposes it over HTTP, it’s worth talking about security for a moment.
Grafbase requires you, by default, to pass an x-api-key header with requests. It’s recommended to make requests to Grafbase from the server-side only, and not from the client with this API key. Exposing this x-api-key header on the client should be avoided to prevent any unwanted malicious attacks.
All requests we’ve made so far have been inside Pathfinder, which applies this header to all requests by default. Below is an example cURL request that shows how you can make this request outside Pathfinder with the header:
1curl --request POST \
2 --url http://api.cartql.com/ \
3 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
4 --header 'apiKey: YOUR_API_KEY' \
5 --data '{"query":"query {\n\tmongo {\n\t\tuserCollection(\n\t\t\tfirst: 100\n\t\t\tfilter: { age: { gt: 30 } }\n\t\t\torderBy: { age: ASC }\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tedges {\n\t\t\t\tnode {\n\t\t\t\t\tid\n\t\t\t\t\tname\n\t\t\t\t\temail\n\t\t\t\t\tage\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n"}'
You can obtain your project’s production API key from your Grafbase Project Settings.

Next steps

In this tutorial, we’ve walked through automatically creating a GraphQL API for collections in our MongoDB database. We also covered reducing trips to the MongoDB database by configuring GraphQL Edge Caching, so wherever your users are, they experience super fast responses.
You can continue your journey with GraphQL by learning how to integrate the GraphQL API we created in this tutorial into your existing web or mobile application using a GraphQL Client. Some popular clients include Apollo Client, URQL, and Houdini.
If you have questions or comments, continue the conversation over in the MongoDB Developer Community.

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Table of Contents
  • Instant GraphQL APIs for MongoDB with Grafbase