Thanks a lot for responding Henry!
Before diving into the response, lemme just give some context. The entire premise is based off constant RAM/Memory usage in MongoDB, which apparently increases as the data increases. We don’t know any exact relation between that data and the RAM/memory usage.

I actually asked whether we can reduce memory during periods of in-activity. So, a period of activity would be when we are syncing our data with a mongodb vector store (which is in turn linked to AWS Bedrock) while a period of in-activity would be when this is not happening.
And yes, apart from pausing a cluster would there be any other recourse to minimize memory/RAM usage?

What exaclty does this 3KB refer to? Btw our embedding dimensions are 1536.
And the 13.71 GB is the storage of the embeddings within the collection. Not the vectorsearchIndex size, which is a few Mega Bytes.

Just reiterating my questions :
What exactly is responsible for a constant memory usage within MongoDB. And how does that scale up with increasing collection size.