#100DaysOfCode D-6 @Stennie_X welcome to the party! 100 days of code it up my friend This is a lab I’m trying to figure out where I’m going wrong. This is where I went wrong the last time I tried to tackle learning about MongoDB and databases in general. I did not take the time to fully comprehend the failures and so when I proceeded to the next parts of courses I was already behind the power curb. Anyways I will be sharing this with the community while watching the next video and trying to wrap my head what I am doing wrong or misunderstanding in this lab. Also, I think I need that database dabbler badge lol.
Wordness to the turdness!
So as not to be idle with my couple hours today, I am proceeding with the next course in the Developer Learning Path … Introduction to the MongoDB Aggregation Framework.
Wordness to the turdness!
Database Dabbler
Participate in #100DaysOfCode challenge and share at least one day of learning MongoDB or Realm