Q1 - username=millerrenee
Q2- runtime=82
Q3- 1746
Q4- satisfaction=5
Q5- 142
Q6- y 35.06537
x 82.609256
Q7- Clark St & Henry St Central Park West & W 72 St
Q8- 85
Q9- 1436
Q10- 6346

Q1 username=millerrenee
Q2 runtime=82
Q3 1746
Q4 satisfaction=5
Q5 142
Q6 y 35.06537
x 82.609256
Q7 Clark St & Henry St Central Park West & W 72 St
Q8 85
Q9 1436
Q10 6346

Q1) ‘millerrenee’
Q2) 82
Q3) 94
Q5) 142
Q7) ‘York St & Jay St’ & ‘York St & Jay St’
Q10) “La Sagrada Familia (and metro) 4 blocks!”

  1. millerrenee
  2. 82
  3. 1746
  4. 5
  5. 142
  6. 853
  7. E 31 St & 3 Ave , Howard St & Centre St
  8. 2338
  9. 0
  10. 6346


Answer: username: ‘millerrenee’

2.db.movies.find({“title”: “The Kid Brother”})

Answer: 82

  1. Answer: 1746


5.db.posts.countDocuments({“title”: “Bill of Rights”})

Answer: 142


7.E31 st and 3 Ave, Howard St and centre st

8.db.restaurants.countDocuments([“borough”: “Bronx”})

Answer: 2338



  1. username:“millerrenee”
  2. runtime:82
  3. satisfaction:5
  4. y:35.06537
    7)-‘start station id’: 268,
    ‘start station name’: ‘Howard St & Centre St’,

-‘start station id’: 3143,
‘start station name’: ‘5 Ave & E 78 St’,

  1. millerrenee
  2. 82
  3. 1746
  4. the customer satisfaction is 5
  5. 142
  6. W56ST and 4Ave st and 8ave
  7. 2338
  8. 0

1;db.restaurants.countDocuments({“borough”: “Bronx”})


2;db.posts.countDocuments({title:“Bill of Rights”})


3; db.customers.find({email: “nicoleanderson@hotmail.com”})
username: ‘millerrenee’
4; ‘York St & Jay St’ & ‘York St & Jay St’

answer 1: username: ‘millerrenee’,
answer 2: 82
answer 3: transaction_count: 94
answer 4: 5
answer 5: 142
answer 6: y:35.06537 x:82.609256
answer 7: ‘start station name’: ‘York St & Jay St’, and ‘start station name’: ‘Wythe Ave & Metropolitan Ave’,
answer 8: 2338
answer 9: 0
answer 10: 6346


This text will be hidden

  1. La Sagrada Familia (and metro) 4 blocks!

db.sales.find({“customer.email” : “kave@we.com”},{customer.satisfaction:1,_id:0})

Hackathon Results!!!

It’s a tie! And the winners are… :drum:

:1st_place_medal: @SAURABH_TIWARI1

:1st_place_medal: @Mohith_kumar

:1st_place_medal: @Doctor_Arrow

Congratulations to our winners and all our participants! :tada:

Hope you all had fun participating in the hackathon! Stay tuned for the answers and sample queries!



@Satyam @Tarun_Gaur
2)runitime 82
7)E 31 at &3 Ave, Howard St & Centre st

Hey Folks :wave:,

Once again thanks, everyone for attending! In case you couldn’t attend here’s the event summary:

It was great to see GDSC, LPU and MongoDB Community coming and putting together an event with some exciting workshop sessions, informational sessions, and talks. The event was attended by over 240 participants.

The event started with @Samson_Kwaku_Nkrumah sharing his journey of freelancing and eventually co-founding his startup, Luxstek. He talked about how much support he got from his friends in India and from his community of GDSC, LPU. He also shared his love for MongoDB and why he shifted from other databases to MongoDB. He also talked about Atlas and how easy it is to set up an account and quickly load sample data in it.

His talk was followed by a hands-on session on MQL by me and on Aggregation by @Tarun_Gaur. It began with a quick intro to Compass and how to quickly search for and switch different database, and we quickly dived into the basics of MQL from that. We talked about Comparison Operators, Logical Operators and practised different questions along the way as well!
We also did a little fun “Fastest Fingers First” :computer: on the community forums wherein folks had to post answers to different practice questions first on the event page in order to win some cool swags! :tshirt:

For learning more, do check out our MongoDB University where you can talke up free courses to learn more about MongoDB and prepare for MongoDB Certification.

After lunch :ramen:, we had a mini hackathon :trophy: where attendees were asked a series of questions and had to post answers to the questions on the event page. It was followed by a talk by @Raman_Sharma1 on designing your first web app using NodeJS and MongoDB.

The event ended with Trivia, fun conversations and a great group photo! :smile:

Big thanks to @Suraj_Mani and the entire team of GDSC, LPU and MongoDB teams who made the event possible. We really hope you all had a great time and a lot of fun at the event.

Hope to see you all soon at our next MUG! :smile:
