Gabriel Woo

4 results

BAIC Group Powers the Internet of Vehicles With MongoDB

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is revolutionizing the automotive industry by connecting vehicles to the Internet. Vehicle sensors generate a wealth of data, affording manufacturers, vehicle owners, and traffic departments deep insights. This unlocks new business opportunities and enhances service experiences for both enterprises and consumers. BAIC Research Institute , a subsidiary of Beijing Automotive Group Co. (BAIC Group), is a backbone enterprise of the Chinese auto industry. Headquartered in Beijing, BAIC Group is involved in everything from R&D and manufacturing of vehicles and parts to the automobile service trade, comprehensive traveling services, financing, and investments. BAIC Group is a Fortune Global 500 company with more than 67 billion USD of annual revenue. The Institute is also heavily invested in the IoV industry. It plays a pivotal role in the research and development of the two major independent passenger vehicle products in China: Arcfox and Beijing Automotive . It is also actively involved in building vehicle electronic architecture, intelligent vehicle controls, smart cockpit systems, and smart driving technologies. To harness cutting-edge, data-driven technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data, the Institute has built a comprehensive IoV cloud platform based on ApsaraDB for MongoDB . The platform collects, processes, and analyzes data generated by over a million vehicles, providing intelligent and personalized services to vehicle owners, automotive companies, and traffic management departments. At MongoDB.local Beijing in September 2024, BAIC Group’s Deputy Chief Engineer Chungang Zuo said that the BAIC IoV cloud platform facilitates data access for over a million vehicles. It also supports online services for hundreds of thousands of vehicles. Data technology acts as a key factor for IoV development With a rapid increase of vehicle ownership in recent years, the volume of data on BAIC Group’s IoV cloud platform quickly surged. This led to several data management challenges, namely the need to handle the following: Large data volumes High update frequencies Complex data formats High data concurrency Low query efficiency Data security issues The IoV platform also needed to support automotive manufacturers who must centrally store and manage a large amount of diverse transactional data. Finally, the platform is needed to enable manufacturers to leverage AI and analytical capabilities to interpret and create value from this data. BAIC Group’s IoV cloud platform reached a breaking point because the legacy databases it employed were incapable of handling the deluge of exponential vehicle data nor supporting planned AI-driven capabilities. The Institute identified MongoDB as the solution to support its underlying data infrastructure. By using MongoDB, BAIC would gain a robust core to enhance data management efficiency from the business layer to the application layer. The power of MongoDB as a developer data platform offered a wide range of capabilities. This was a game-changer for the Institute. MongoDB’s document model makes managing complex data simple Unlike traditional relational database models, MongoDB’s JSON data structure and flexible schema model are well suited for the variety and scale of the ever-changing data produced by connected vehicles. In traditional databases, vehicle information is spread across multiple tables, each with nearly a hundred fields, leading to redundancy, inflexibility, and complexity. With MongoDB, all vehicle information can be stored in a single collection, simplifying data management. Migrating vehicle information to MongoDB has significantly improved the Institute’s data application efficiency. MongoDB’s GeoJSON supports location data management The ability to accurately calculate vehicle location within the IoV cloud platform is a key benefit offered by MongoDB. Particularly, MongoDB’s GeoJSON (geospatial indexing) supports important features, such as the ability to screen vehicle parking situations. Zuo explained that during the data cleaning phase, the Institute formats raw vehicle data for MongoDB storage and outputs it as standardized cleaned data. In the data calculation phase, GeoJSON filters vehicles in a specific range. This is followed by algorithmic clustering analysis of locations to gain vehicle parking information. Finally, the Institute retrieves real-time data from the MongoDB platform to classify and display vehicle parking situations on a map for easy viewing. MongoDB provides scalability and high-performance MongoDB’s sharded cluster enhances data capacity and processing performance, enabling the Institute to effectively manage exponential IoV data growth. The querying and result-returning processes are executed concurrently in a multi-threaded manner. This facilitates continuous horizontal expansion without any downtime as data needs grow. Zuo said that a significant advantage for developers is the high self-healing capability of the sharded cluster; if a primary node fails, MongoDB automatically switches to a backup. This ensures seamless service and process integrity. Security features meet data regulatory requirements MongoDB’s built-in security features enable the IoV platform to meet rigorous data protection standards, helping the Institute stay compliant with regulatory requirements and industry standards. With MongoDB, the Institute can ensure end-to-end data encryption throughout the entire data lifecycle, including during transmission, storage, and processing, with support for executing queries directly on encrypted data. For example, during storage, MongoDB encrypts sensitive data, such as vehicle identification numbers and phone numbers. Sharding and replication mechanisms establish a robust data security firewall. Furthermore, MongoDB’s permission control mechanism enables secure database management with decentralized authority. Zuo said that MongoDB’s sharded storage and clustered deployment features ensure the platform’s reliability exceeds the 99.99% service-level agreement. MongoDB’s high concurrency capabilities enable the Institute to share real-time vehicle status updates with vehicle owners’ apps, enhancing user experience and satisfaction. In addition, MongoDB’s unique compression technology and flexible cloud server configurations reduce data storage space and resource waste. This significantly lowers data storage and application costs. BAIC uses MongoDB to prepare for future opportunities Looking ahead, Zuo Chungang stated that the BAIC IoV cloud platform has expanding demands for data development and application in three areas: vehicle data centers, application scenario implementation, and AI applications. MongoDB’s capabilities will remain core to helping address the Institute’s upcoming needs and challenges.

February 19, 2025


在数字化时代,车联网数据应用正在对汽车行业产生革命性的影响,成为商业模式变革的关键一环。车联网数据应用通过将车辆与互联网连接起来,为企业和消费者提供全新的商业价值和服务体验。车联网是新一代网络通信技术与汽车、电子、道路交通运输等领域深度融合的产业形态。 北汽集团旗下的北京汽车研究总院,负责支撑极狐和北京两大自主品牌乘用车及旗下车型的研发,涵盖整车研发全过程业务。智能网联是该研究总院的核心业务板块之一,主要承担车联网云平台、整车EE架构、智能车控、智能座舱、智能驾驶等业务,其中北汽车联网云平台通过集成云计算、物联网、大数据等先进技术,通过收集、处理和分析车辆数据,为车主、车企和交通管理部门提供智能化、个性化的服务。 据北汽车联网专业副总师左春刚介绍,北汽车联网云平台已经支持了北汽集团百万辆汽车的数据接入、数十万辆汽车同时在线业务,全平台数据量已超过亿级别。 大数据的应用已成为车联网发展的关键因素 随着车辆快速增长及业务需求的不断迭代,平台的数据量急剧增长,数据管理挑战重重,例如数据量大、更新频率快、格式复杂、数据并发高、查询效率低、数据安全等等。 对于汽车制造商而言,车联网数据的处理和利用技术一直处于快速革新进化过程。其中最重要的一点就是如何集中存储和管理大量不同的事务数据并对其使用,以及利用基于人工智能的解决方案和分析功能,充分挖掘所有这些数据的强大功能和业务潜力。 面对车联网平台上车辆数高速增长,采用传统数据库存储车辆信息已无法满足业务需求。北汽车联网云平台选用阿里云数据库MongoDB版支撑底层数据,打造了一个稳固的底层核心,实现了数据效力的层层向上传导,从业务层到应用层都明显有所受益。 文档模型更加直观,支撑数据复杂的格式 相比较于传统关系模型,MongoDB的JSON数据结构更加直观、更加灵活,非常适合车端数据的复杂格式、适合车联网场景中车辆相关基础信息的联合查询。将车辆基础信息迁移到MongoDB中进行存储管理,大大提升了数据应用效率。采用传统数据库存储时,车辆信息涉及多张表单,每张表单近百个字段,字段冗余复杂;采用MongoDB优化后,只需将所有车辆信息存储于一个集合中,更加易于读取、维护。 GeoJSON实现对位置数据计算、查询和展现 车辆位置计算是MongoDB在车联网云平台应用场景之一。针对在一定范围内对车辆停放情况进行筛查的场景,采用MongoDB GeoJSON (地理空间索引) 技术即可满足筛查要求,方便又高效。左春刚具体介绍道:在数据清洗阶段,输入车端原始数据,格式化数据为MongoDB存储格式,输出清洗后的规范数据;在数据计算阶段,使用地理空间索引技术筛选出特定范围内车辆,继而应用算法对位置进行聚类分析,输出车辆停放信息数据;在数据展示阶段,从MongoDB上实时获取数据,在地图上分类渲染车辆停放情况,实现通过界面直接查看。 支持Sharding、海量数据存储、高并发和频繁更新 MongoDB分片集群可扩展特性,能够很好地适应车联网数据几何式增长的需求,例如可根据需要增加数据容量、提高数据处理性能,数据主动、轻松达成均衡。MongoDB分片集群架构查询以及结果返回都是多线程并发执行,可以不断拓展分片,分片数越大,支持的并发数越高。左春刚指出,免去开发人员后顾之忧的一点是这种分片集群的高自愈能力,当主节点出现故障,MongoDB可自动主备切换,无缝提供服务,驱动自动进行重试,保证业务过程完整、无感知。 MongoDB的安全功能满足数据监管要求 MongoDB原生安全特性高标准地保障了车联网数据安全、支持了数据监管合规,确保全链条数据加密——传输加密、存储加密、查询加密、访问控制。如在存储环节,利用MongoDB加密技术对像车架号、电话等敏感数据进行加密,通过分片+副本机制,筑牢数据安全“防火墙”;在数据应用环节,基于MongoDB权限管制机制,数据库、表得以被安全管控及分权应用。 在谈到MongoDB带给北汽车联网云平台最直观的应用价值时,左春刚总结:通过MongoDB分片存储及集群化部署等高可用特性,成为车联网云平台运行可靠性超过99.99%的强力基本盘;通过MongoDB高并发能力,实现车辆实时状态及时触达车主APP,提升用车体验和满意度;通过独特压缩技术和灵活搭配的MongoDB云上服务器配置,减少数据存储空间与非必要的资源浪费,降低了可观的数据存储和应用成本。 在展望未来与阿里云和MongoDB合作深化的空间时,左春刚表示,在整车数据中心、应用场景落地、AI应用三个方面,北汽车联网云平台都对数据的开发应用有着更高的需求,结合MongoDB最新发布的解决方案,可以预见双方的合作也将更加契合。 点击了解更多MongoDB信息:

February 19, 2025

MongoDB.local is Coming to Hong Kong

MongoDB is hosting a series of events in cities all around the world that we're calling "MongoDB.local", and our Hong Kong event is approaching fast. Don’t forget to reserve a spot on your calendar for MongoDB.local Hong Kong on September 5, a one-day conference on all things MongoDB, including new product announcements, technical sessions, and opportunities to learn how customers are using MongoDB to reinvent their businesses. Hear from our guest speakers, including Cathay Pacific Airways , Manulife Asia , TVB and Omnichat , who will be sharing how they use MongoDB in various innovative ways to improve their operations and deliver enhanced customer experience. The MongoDB user community represents a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. We've tailored our sessions to cater to the diversity of our developer community. From data modeling and schema design to app-driven analytics and mobile data sync, our sessions will explore real-world scenarios and how to optimize MongoDB for performance, reliability, and scale. There's more than one way to get your questions answered at MongoDB.local. You can see live demos at the MongoDB booth and engage in networking throughout the day. In addition, attendees will be able to learn about the latest news on the product front. We've been hearing from customers who are facing a lot of challenges today, including increasing data privacy and security requirements, as well as the pain of modernizing their applications. So we'll be announcing some recent solutions for de-risking application migration and modernization along with some very exciting product announcements that are enabling customers to build next-generation applications. In the keynote, members of our executive leadership team — including MongoDB Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, Peder Ulander — will be announcing the latest features and updates for MongoDB, along with how they see developing modern applications shaping up over the next few years. We look forward to seeing you at MongoDB.local Hong Kong . So don't wait to register.

August 29, 2023

MongoDB.local Taipei 2023即將開跑 掌握技術、趨勢的最佳年度盛會

MongoDB是少數能在三大公有雲平臺上均可提供非關聯資料庫服務的業者,至今已在全球市場累積可觀的客戶數目與成功案例,而且越來越多客戶選擇在 MongoDB Atlas平臺上,部署各種關鍵工作負載,以維持在市場上的競爭力,為用戶提供更好的使用者體驗。 備受全球用戶關注的MongoDB.local ,每年都會在不同國家與城市舉辦,作為初學者與技術人員一個學習與交流的平臺。在臺灣用戶引頸期盼下,MongoDB將在2023年9月7日舉辦 MongoDB.local Taipei 2023 。活動涵蓋主題演講、技術論壇、MongoDB 產品演示、互動分享等四大主題,内容包含各行業的發展趨勢、客戶案例、MongoDB最新功能等。 在活動當天,MongoDB的客戶將會分享各自的實務案例。 趨勢科技 將分享運用 MongoDB Change Stream 建立事件驅動架構的歷程,內容包含架構簡介、補償機制設計、使用場景簡介,以及常見的最佳實踐等。 在虛擬交易所市場有亮眼成績的 WOO Network ,會分享專案團隊在開發中常見的困難點,以及如何運用MongoDB 達成確保專案品質、擴展性、維運和時程等目標。 永豐銀行 將分享從導入評估至最後成功上線新服務的歷程,進而達到提升數位通路體驗的目的。 致力運用行銷科技為企業規劃行銷策略的 AccuHit ,將分享透過MongoDB Atlas協助,在行銷大數據領域中實現安全性、效能和資料靈活度最佳化的秘訣,以滿足不斷變化的行銷需求。 Noodoe 則會分享運用 MongoDB Atlas Search、Graph Lookup、Change Stream 等創造出便利高效的充電服務架構,進而在商業環境上取得競爭優勢的方法。 MongoDB.local Taipei 2023 將有來自 MongoDB 的專家、社區技術大咖、各產業精英客戶和合作夥伴,共同學習最新技術和成功案例,探討業務和資料庫科技的未來,是絕對不容錯過的科技年度盛會。 立即註冊

August 29, 2023