Casey Stegman

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Away From the Keyboard: Ariel Hou, Staff Engineer

Welcome to our article series about developers and what they do when they’re not building incredible things with code and data. In “Away From the Keyboard,” MongoDB developers discuss what they do, how they keep a healthy work-life balance, and their advice for people seeking a more holistic approach to coding. In this article, Ariel Hou shares her day-to-day responsibilities as a Staff Engineer at MongoDB; how a pots-and-pans symphony helped her set boundaries while working from home; and the two rules she follows to separate work and personal time. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? Ariel: I work with the Atlas Growth Engineering teams, where our focus is on designing and implementing data-driven experiments on the Atlas product. We target metrics like customer acquisition, retention, feature discovery, etc. We not only run experiments ourselves; we also facilitate other teams in running them by creating tools and platforms, like our internal experimentation admin app and our Javascript experimentation SDK. In this role, I get to work on full-stack, cross-functional projects where sometimes the audience is Atlas users, and sometimes it's internal devs. There's a lot of variety! Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? Ariel: Generally, it means I do work during work hours, and then I don't do work when it’s not work hours. I try to enforce a physical separation as much as a mental one. Admittedly, the rise of work-from-home that came with the pandemic blurred the boundary some, and it was a bit of a tough adjustment at the beginning of the pandemic when I first started working at home. Since I was already home, there wouldn't be a clear signal that it was time to "go home"...until there was. Back then, people in Manhattan had taken to banging on pots and pans at around 6 p.m. to salute healthcare workers commuting home, and I could hear it from my apartment. That inadvertently acted as my alarm for the end of the work day! Q: How do you ensure you set boundaries between work and personal life? Ariel: The aforementioned physical boundary (for the days I go into the office). There are two other important concepts for me. First, I compartmentalize: sometimes, I will realize an important work-related thing in my off-hours, but rather than acting on it, I'll file it away for work time. The second idea, which goes hand-in-hand with the others: don't break the seal ! (AKA, don't trivially open your laptop or respond to Slack messages during off-hours.) The minute you do, the boundary is broken for the day and it becomes a slippery slope into working more. Q: Has work/life balance always been a priority for you, or did you develop it later in your career? Ariel: It was definitely not a priority in my first few years out of college. But living to work made me burnt out by 25. By the time I got to MongoDB, I understood that model wasn't sustainable, nor was it worthwhile. Thankfully, we don't have that culture here on the team. Q: What benefits has this balance given you in your career? Ariel: If you've been working for many hours straight, there's a certain point in the day where it's a struggle to progress the code or doc you're writing. You can try to push through it, but there's a high chance that the next day, after a night of sleep, you revisit the task and think, "Who wrote this garbage? Oh, heh, me." And you throw it all out and write a much nicer solution with much less effort. It's happened to me on numerous occasions. Work-life balance isn't just better for mental and physical longevity; it legitimately makes you a more effective engineer. Q: What advice would you give to someone seeking to find a better balance? Ariel: Don't break the seal! Thank you to Ariel Hou for sharing these insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. For past articles in this series, check out our interviews with: Senior AI Developer Advocate, Apoorva Joshi Developer Advocate Anaiya Raisinghani Senior Partner Marketing Manager Rafa Liou Staff Software Engineer Everton Agner Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @/mongodb #LoveYourDevelopers #AwayFromTheKeyboard

January 27, 2025

Away From the Keyboard: Everton Agner, Staff Software Engineer

We’re back with a new article in our ongoing “Away From the Keyboard” series, featuring in-depth interviews with people at MongoDB, discussing what they do, how they prioritize time away from their work, and approach to coding. Everton Agner, Staff Software Engineer at MongoDB, talked to us about why team support, transparent communication, and having small rituals are important for creating healthy work-life boundaries. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? Ev: I’m a Staff Software Engineer on the Atlas Foundational Services team. In practice, that means that I develop systems, tools, frameworks, processes and provide guidance within our systems architecture to other engineering teams so they can deliver value and make their customers happy! Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? Ev: My team is hybrid and distributed. I enjoy going to our office a couple of times every week (but don’t have to), and all of our team processes are built with remote friendliness in mind, which is very helpful. Occasionally, I go on call for a week, and make sure that my laptop is reachable in case something happens and it needs my attention. On my team, when there’s an on-call shift during a particular day or weekend that is really inconvenient, we are very supportive, and usually someone is able to swap rotations. Q: How do you ensure you set boundaries between work and personal life? Ev: It’s very easy to fall into the trap of never really disconnecting, thinking about or really just working all day when it’s just an open laptop away. As a rule of thumb, I tell myself that I only ever spend time outside of business hours doing anything work-related when I am not asked or expected to do so by anyone. When I do it, it’s because I want to and will likely have some fun! On the other hand, I’m very transparent when it comes to my personal life and responsibilities, as well as any work adjustments that are needed. Transparency is key, and I’m very lucky that all my managers at MongoDB have always been very accommodating. Q: Has work/life balance always been a priority for you, or did you develop it later in your career? Ev: It always was, but I struggled a bit during my first experience working from home in a hybrid model. Over time, I realized that the small rituals I’ve done during the days I commuted to the office, like getting ready in the morning and driving back home after work, were essential for me “flipping the switch” into on and off of work mode. Developing new rituals when I worked from home—like making sure I had breakfast, took care of my pets, or exercising after work—was essential for me to truly disconnect when I close my laptop. Otherwise I would struggle to enjoy my personal time during the evening or would think about work right after waking up in the morning. Q: What benefits has this balance given you in your career? Ev: I feel like both my personal and professional lives benefited from that. On the personal side, it’s really nice to know that my work schedule accommodates me not being a big morning person, and that it can take personal appointments that can overlap with business hours, like language classes (I’m learning Japanese currently!). On the professional side, sometimes I personally find it productive to spend some time during off-hours to research, write experimental code or documents, or just get ready for the next day while everything’s quiet. Q: What advice would you give to someone seeking to find a better balance? Ev: For me, work-life balance means being able to fully dedicate myself to my personal life without affecting success at my job and vice-versa. Most importantly, it is important to make sure that it’s sustainable and not detrimental to your health. On a more practical note, if you have access to work emails or communication channels on your phone, learning how to set up meaningful notifications is critical. If your phone notifies you of anything work-related outside of working hours, it needs to be important and actionable! Thank you to Everton Agner for sharing their insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. For past articles in this series, check out our interviews with: Senior AI Developer Advocate, Apoorva Joshi Developer Advocate Anaiya Raisinghani Senior Partner Marketing Manager Rafa Liou Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @/mongodb #LoveYourDevelopers #AwayFromTheKeyboard

December 11, 2024

Away From the Keyboard: Rafa Liou, Senior Partner Marketing Manager

Welcome to the latest article in our “Away From the Keyboard” series, which features interviews with people at MongoDB, discussing what they do, how they prioritize time away from their work, and their advice for others looking to create a more holistic approach to coding. Rafa Liou, Senior Partner Marketing Manager at MongoDB, was gracious enough to tell us why he's not ashamed to advocate strongly for a healthy work-life balance and how his past career in the wild world of advertising helped him first recognize the need to do so. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? RAFA: I’m a Marketing Manager focused on MongoDB’s AI partner ecosystem . I help promote our partnerships with companies such as Anthropic, Cohere, LangChain, Together AI, and many others. I work to drive mutual awareness, credibility, and product adoption in the gen AI space via marketing programs. Basically telling the world why we’re better together. It’s a cool job where I’m able to wear many hats and interact with lots of different teams internally and externally. Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? RAFA: Work-life balance is really important to me. It’s actually one of the things I value the most in a job. I know some people advise against this but anytime I’m interviewing with a company I ask about it because it definitely impacts my mental health, how I spend my time outside of work, and my ability to do the things I love. I’m very fortunate to work for a company that understands that, and trusts me to do my job and, at the same time, be able to step out for a walk, a workout, not miss a dinner reservation with my husband, or whatever it is. It makes a lot of difference in both my productivity and happiness. After I log off, you can find me taking a HIIT class, exploring the restaurant scene in LA, or biking at the beach. It’s so good to be able to do all of that stress-free! Q: How do you ensure you set boundaries between work and personal life? RAFA: I usually joke that if you do everything you’re tasked with at the pace you’d like things to get done, you will never stop working. It is really important to prioritize them based on value, urgency, and feasibility. By assessing your pipeline more critically, you will be able to distill what needs to be done right now and also be at peace with the things that will be handled down the road, making it easier to disconnect when you’re done for the day. It’s also important to set expectations and boundaries with your manager and teams so you can fully enjoy life after work without worrying about that Slack message when you’re at the movies. Q: Has work/life balance always been a priority for you, or did you develop it later in your career? RAFA: Before tech, I worked in advertising, which is a very fast-paced industry with the craziest deadlines. For some time in my career, working relentlessly was not only required, but it was also rewarded by agency culture. When you’re young, nights in the office brainstorming over pizza with friends may sound fun. But it starts to wear you out pretty quickly, especially when you don’t have the time, energy, or even the mental state to enjoy your personal life after long hours. As I matured and climbed a few steps in my career, I felt the urge and empowerment to set some boundaries to protect myself. Now, it’s a non-negotiable factor for me. Q: What benefits has this balance given you in your career? RAFA: By constantly exercising prioritization, I’ve become a more efficient professional. When you focus on what really matters, you are also able to execute at higher quality, without distractions or the feeling of getting overwhelmed. Of course, with prioritization comes a lot of trade-offs and discussions with stakeholders on what should be prioritized today versus tomorrow. So, I think I’ve also gotten better at negotiation and conflict resolution (things I’ve always struggled with). Last but not least: having consistent downtime to unwind makes me more creative and energized to come up with new ideas and take on new projects. Q: What advice would you give to someone seeking to find a better balance? RAFA: First and foremost: don’t be ashamed of wanting a better work-life balance. I often find people living and breathing work just because they don’t want to be seen as lazy or uncommitted. Once you understand that a better work-life balance will actually make you a better professional—more intentional, efficient, and even strategic (as you will spend energy to solve what creates more value in a timely manner)—it will be easier to have this mindset, communicate it to others, and live by it. Something more practical would be to start a list of all the things you have to do, acknowledge you can’t finish them all by the end of the day (or week, or month), and ask yourself: Do they all carry the same importance? How can I prioritize them? What would happen if I work on X now instead of Y? I would experiment with this approach and check how you feel and how it impacts your day-to-day life. You might be surprised by the result. Making time for personal life events, hobbies, and meet-ups with family and friends will also help you have something to look forward to after closing your laptop. This is all easier said than done but I guarantee that once this becomes part of your core values and you find the balance that works for you, it is totally worth it! Thank you to Rafa Liou for sharing his insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. For past articles in this series, check out our interviews with: Senior AI Developer Advocate, Apoorva Joshi Developer Advocate Anaiya Raisinghani Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @/mongodb

October 29, 2024

Away From the Keyboard: Apoorva Joshi, MongoDB Senior AI Developer Advocate

Welcome to our article series focused on developers and what they do when they’re not building incredible things with code and data. “Away From the Keyboard” features interviews with developers at MongoDB, discussing what they do, how they establish a healthy work-life balance, and their advice for others looking to create a more holistic approach to coding. In this article, Apoorva Joshi shares her day-to-day responsibilities as a Senior AI Developer Advocate at MongoDB; what a flexible approach to her job and life looks like; and how her work calendar helps prioritize overall balance. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? Apoorva: My job is to help developers successfully build AI applications using MongoDB. I do this through written technical content, hands-on workshops, and design whiteboarding sessions. Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? Apoorva: I love remote work. It allows me to have a flexible approach towards work and life where I can accommodate life things, like dental appointments, walks, or lunches in the park during my work day—as long as work gets done. Q: Was that balance always a priority for you or did you develop it later in your career? Apoorva: Making work-life balance a priority has been a fairly recent development. During my first few years on the job, I would work long hours, partly because I felt like I needed to prove myself and also because I hadn’t prioritized finding activities I enjoyed outside of school or work up until then. The first lockdown during the pandemic put a lot of things into perspective. With work and life happening in the same place, I felt the need for boundaries. Having nowhere to go encouraged me to try out new hobbies, such as solving jigsaw puzzles; as well as reconnecting with old favorites, like reading and painting. Q: What benefits has this balance given you? Apoorva: Doing activities away from the keyboard makes me more productive at work. A flexible working schedule also creates a stress-free environment and allows me to bring my 100% to work. This balance helps me make time for family and friends, exercise, chores, and hobbies. Overall, having a healthy work-life balance helps me lead a fulfilling life that I am proud of. Q: What advice would you give to a developer seeking to find a better balance? Apoorva: The first step to finding a balance between work and life is to recognize that boundaries are healthy. I have found that putting everyday things, such as lunch breaks and walks on my work calendar is a good way to remind myself to take that break or close my laptop, while also communicating those boundaries with my colleagues. If you are having trouble doing this on your own, ask a family member, partner, or friend to remind you! Thank you to Apoorva Joshi for sharing her insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. Look for more in our new series. Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @/mongodb

September 26, 2024

Away From the Keyboard: Anaiya Raisinghani, MongoDB Developer Advocate

Welcome to our new article series focused on developers and what they do when they’re not building incredible things with code and data. “Away From the Keyboard” features interviews with developers at MongoDB, discussing what they do, how they establish a healthy work-life balance, and their advice for others looking to create a more holistic approach to coding. In our first article, Anaiya Raisinghani shares her day-to-day responsibilities as a Developer Advocate at MongoDB; how she uses nonrefundable workout classes and dinner reservations to help her step away from work; and her hack for making sure that when she logs off for the day, she stays logged off. Q: What do you do at MongoDB? Anaiya: I’m a developer advocate here at MongoDB on the Technical Content team! This means I get to build super fun MongoDB tutorials for the entire developer community. I’m lucky where each day is different. If I’m researching a platform to build a tutorial, it can mean hours of research and reading up on documentation, whereas if I’m filming a YouTube video it means lots of time recording and editing. Q: What does work-life balance look like for you? Anaiya: A bad habit of mine is to get really caught up in a piece of content I’m creating and refuse to leave a certain spot until I’ve accomplished what I’ve set out to do that day. Because of this—and because I work mainly from home—if I can anticipate that I’m going to get caught up in a project, I create plans that force me to leave my desk. Some examples of these are non-refundable workout classes, drinks with friends after work (I hate being a flake), or even dinner reservations that charge you if you cancel less than 24 hours in advance. My biggest gripe is paying for something that I didn’t get anything out of. If I’m paying for a single pilates class, I will make sure I’m there trying my best on the reformer. So this has been a fantastic motivator. Being 25 and living in NYC means that my weekends are always booked, so I’m always out and about, and this allows me to not think about work on my time off. I’m also lucky enough to have a great manager and team that keep very great work-life boundaries, so I never feel guilty practicing those boundaries myself. Q: Was that balance always a priority for you or did you develop it later in your career? Anaiya: This balance was definitely something I had to develop and actively work on. I’ve always been an anxious over-achiever, and when coming into my first corporate job I thought staying overtime would be expected. We’ve all heard the phrase: “Be the first one in and the last to leave.” My manager actually used to actively tell me to log off when I first started because he would notice that my Slack was active past work hours (shoutout to Nic!). Having him and my team as a great example helped me understand that there will always be more work and to enjoy the time that you spend away from your laptop. It was also the realization that working shouldn’t be your entire life. You need to develop hobbies and build relationships within your community in order to be a happier human being. Q: What benefits has this balance given you? Anaiya: The biggest benefit this balance has given me both at work and in my life is that I’m incredibly present when I’m doing one or the other. When I’m working during the day, I’m entirely locked in and take advantage of each hour. And when I’m done with the workday, I’m actually done and can focus on my hobbies or my friends. It’s also taught me to plan in advance and it gives me a better understanding of how much work on average is expected for each project. Q: What advice would you give to a developer seeking to find a better balance? Anaiya: If you’re seeking a better balance, I recommend removing Slack from your personal phone and laptop. This way when you’re disconnected, you’re truly disconnected. Of course, there are some teams and companies that require you to be on call or working around the clock, but even then having a specific laptop or device with everything you need that is separate from your personal devices can help bridge this gap. Thank you to Anaiya Raisinghani for sharing her insights! And thanks to all of you for reading. Look for more in our new series. Interested in learning more about or connecting more with MongoDB? Join our MongoDB Community to meet other community members, hear about inspiring topics, and receive the latest MongoDB news and events. And let us know if you have any questions for our future guests when it comes to building a better work-life balance as developers. Tag us on social media: @mongodb #AwayFromTheKeyboard

September 3, 2024

AI Apps: What the World Sees vs. What Developers See

Imagine you’re in the market for a new home in, say, Atlanta. And you’re on vacation in a different city. You see an amazing-looking house, whose design you love. You open up your favorite real estate app, snap a picture of this house, and type: “Find me a home that looks like this in Atlanta, in my price range, and within my budget, that’s also next to a park.” Seconds later, you’re served a list of homes that not only resemble this one, but match all your other specifications. This is what the world—specifically, consumers—expects when it comes to AI-powered applications. But when developers see the possibilities for these hyper-personalized, interactive, and conversational apps, they also see what goes into building them. A video showing the behind-the-scenes of an AI-powered real estate app. To make these advanced apps a reality, developers need to be able to unify operational and vector data . They also want to be able to use their preferred tools and popular LLMs. Most of all, developers are looking for a platform that makes their jobs easier—while, at the same time, providing a development experience that’s both seamless and secure. And it’s critical that developers have all of this. Because as in previous tech revolutions (the software revolution, the birth of the World Wide Web, the dawn of the smartphone, etc.), it’s developers who are leading the new AI revolution. And it’s developers who will use different kinds of data to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Take for instance audio data. Imagine a diagnostic application that records real-time sounds and turns those sounds into vectors. Then an AI model checks those sounds against a database of known issues: all of which pinpoints the specific sound that signals a potential problem that can now be fixed. Until recently, this kind of innovation wasn't possible. A video showing an AI-powered advanced diagnostics use case. This is also just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the types of new applications that developers will build in this new era of AI. Especially when given a platform that not only makes working with operational and vector data easier, but provides an experience that developers actually love . To learn more about how developers are shaping the AI revolution, and how we at MongoDB not only celebrate them, but support them, visit . There you can explore other AI use cases, see data requirements for building these more intelligent applications, discover developers who are innovating in this space, and get started with MongoDB Atlas for free .

July 1, 2024

Two Keys To AI’s Future: What We Heard From Developers At AWS re:Invent 2023

At AWS re:Invent 2023, we chatted with numerous developers about the thing everyone was talking about. Which was… drum roll AI. Specifically, Generative AI. So much has happened over the last year in this space. LLMs have gone from being primarily a field of academic research to something every developer, product engineer, IT decision maker, C-level executive (and everyone in between) is thinking about. Questions that have emerged in that time—in the news, at tech conferences, in conversations with developers, among colleagues, in blog articles, etc.—include: Are we in a hype cycle? Is this just another fad? Is AI, after a series of promising starts and then long winters, here to stay for real this time? And if so, how can an organization use Generative AI to disrupt the market instead of being disrupted? We chatted with several developers at AWS re:Invent to get a sense of what they were thinking about when it comes to Generative AI. Here’s some of what they had to say: "[Generative AI] will help people build faster and safer, but [it’s] definitely not going to replace everything." - Developer "I'm excited about all the tools that can help developers to develop faster, like CodeWhisperer." - Head of Cloud Operations "Generative AI is here to stay." - Chief Technology Officer The theme throughout these quotes is how Generative AI will benefit developers in the work they do. Specifically, how Generative AI will help them develop faster and easier. A prime example of this is, as one of those quotes above notes, Amazon CodeWhisperer, which boosts developer productivity through AI-driven code assistance. The data used to train Generative AI code assistants, like Amazon CodeWhisperer, is key, though. This is why MongoDB collaborated with the Amazon CodeWhisperer Data Science team to train CodeWhisperer’s foundational model on MongoDB use cases to give developers the best possible code suggestions. In addition to helping developers do their work faster and easier, advancements in Generative AI are also empowering developers—specifically developers with more limited backgrounds in AI/ML—to use LLMs more effectively in their applications. In fact, it’s now easier than ever for developers to build AI-powered apps. As one data engineer at AWS re:Invent 2023 said: “Generative AI enables people that have no experience in AI to start entering this industry to use their domain knowledge to explore the applications.” A good example of this is Retrieval-Augmentation Generation or RAG. MongoDB’s Mat Keep writes in a recent blog article : “As recently as 12 months ago, any mention of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) would have left most of us confused. However, with the explosion of generative AI, the RAG architectural pattern has now firmly established itself in the enterprise landscape.” RAG presents developers with a potent combination. They can take the incredible knowledge and reasoning capabilities of pre-trained, general purpose Generative AI models and feed them with accurate and up-to-date company-specific data. This means developers can build AI-powered apps that generate outputs grounded in enterprise data and knowledge without having to turn to specialized data science teams to train or fine-tune models — which is a complex, time-consuming, and expensive process. RAG is one of many examples of how development tools and technologies are changing to allow developers to build AI confidently and securely. When you look at all of the above, it’s very clear that this new revolutionary era of Generative AI is driven by empowered developers. Still, because there are so many incredible advances in both commercial and open-source Generative AI models, and because everyone has access to these, the real differentiation comes down to something unique to every organization: data. One question we’re left to ask is: What will developers be talking about with respect to Generative AI at AWS re:Invent in the coming year? As we’ve seen over the last twelve months, a lot can happen and change. So there’s no exact telling what the future will hold. But what is clear is that the two key things that will determine Generative AI’s future will continue to be data and developers. To learn more, check out our resources page for building AI-powered apps .

December 19, 2023

Why We’re Celebrating Developers (And Why We Always Will)

No matter the future, developers will build it. This is the fundamental message for MongoDB’s Love Your Developers campaign, which we created to celebrate, recognize, and support all that developers have done and continue to do. When the campaign launched earlier this year, it took a more historical view on how developers have shaped the history of computing from its earliest days — even before computers were invented. We wanted to show that — even in the eras when hardware was the primary focus — programming language pioneers, like Grace Hopper, and innovative engineers, like Jerry Lawson, fundamentally shaped the future through software. (To read more about the campaign, and why we launched it, check out our announcement blog article .) Introducing the MongoDB Developer Spotlight Series Just like in the past, today’s technologies aren’t developed in a vacuum. It takes entire teams of developers — experimenting, innovating, testing — to build and deploy applications that transform how we interact with the world. That is why we’re introducing our MongoDB Developer Spotlight Series. Our aim is to celebrate the diversity of experiences and approaches that exist among and throughout the global developer community. To do this, we will highlight stories from today’s community champions, developer advocates, newbies, senior engineers — and more. It’s our hope that these stories will help inspire the next generation of developers who will further shape our future. In this new series, we’ll introduce you to developers like Trina Yau. Trina went from being a pharmacist to a software engineer at Cisco. While initially concerned about her nontraditional background, she was later told by recruiters that her unique journey was a strength, rather than a weakness. This revelation showed her that, in order to become a developer, one must only possess a curious mind. In other words, there is no singular path to working in software. In a forthcoming post, Trina (who is also a MongoDB Community Creator) will share with us why developing isn’t just a way to earn a living, but a way to connect with people and share experiences through technology. This series will also spotlight developers like Justin Jenkins, who is a Software Development Engineer at Pushpay and a MongoDB Community Creator. He got his start at an early age, building his own computers and coding in BASIC - before he even knew that developing was a thing. In a future post, Justin will share tips based on his own experiences. For example, in his view, newbie developers know more than they think when it comes to getting started. Through MongoDB’s social channels, we’ll share all of these developers’ insights, tips, advice, and origin stories. So stay tuned. And let us know what you think. #LoveYourDevelopers Because no matter what the future holds, it’s developers who will build it. If you’d like to learn how you can get involved in MongoDB’s own Developer Community, head on over to our Community Forum . There, you’ll find updates, announcements, and ways to interact with other developers.

November 14, 2023

Was die Geschäftsleitung über die Datenstrategie für 2023 wissen sollte

Es ist natürlich schwierig, eine Vorhersage der Zukunft zu treffen. Alles Mögliche kann passieren. Schauen Sie sich nur die letzten Jahre an, in denen scheinbar alles Mögliche passiert ist. Nun, da wir uns im zweiten Monat des Jahres 2023 befinden und der Rest des Jahres von potenziell großen Veränderungen und Umwälzungen geprägt sein wird, ist der einzige klare Indikator für die Zukunft das, was wir in den Monaten, Wochen und Tagen vor dem Jahreswechsel als Trend beobachten konnten. Im Folgenden finden Sie fünf Themen, mit denen sich die Geschäftsleitung im Jahr 2023 wahrscheinlich häufiger beschäftigen wird. Und was das alles für den Aufbau einer widerstandsfähigen, dauerhaften und innovativen Datenstrategie bedeutet. 1. Software frisst möglicherweise immer noch die Welt. Aber die Entwickler leisten die ganze Arbeit. Vor fast 12 Jahren verkündete Marc Andreessen: „Software frisst die Welt“. Und obwohl diese Aussage auch heute noch zutrifft, werden die größten Nutznießer des globalen Softwarehungers weiterhin die Entwickler sein. In einem Interview mit The Cube auf der letztjährigen AWS re:Invent drückte Dev Ittycheria, CEO von MongoDB, dies so aus: „Es ist fast schon ein Klischee zu sagen, dass Software die Welt auffrisst. Denn das Leistungsversprechen eines jeden Unternehmens wird von Software bestimmt. Aber in Wirklichkeit bedeutet das, dass die Entwickler die ganze Arbeit übernehmen." Eines der besten Beispiele dafür, dass Entwickler die ganze Arbeit übernehmen, ist DevOps. Mit dem Aufkommen von DevOps konnten wir beobachten, wie Softwareentwicklungsteams den zuvor getrennten Bereich des IT-Betriebs in ihre Arbeit einbeziehen, während sie die Infrastruktur in eine programmierbare Schnittstelle verwandelten und eine kontinuierliche Feedbackschleife schufen, die die Agilität der Entwickler verbesserte. Aber DevOps war nur der Anfang. Wir erleben jetzt, dass Entwickler andere, bisher getrennte Bereiche in ihre Arbeit einbeziehen, wie z. B. Sicherheit, Datenwissenschaft und Datenanalyse (mehr dazu weiter unten). Die geschäftlichen Auswirkungen der Einbettung dieser bisher getrennten Bereiche in die Softwareentwicklung sind ziemlich groß. Das bedeutet schnelle Innovation, schnellere Markteinführung, bessere Betrugserkennung und -vermeidung, A/B-Tests – die Liste lässt sich beliebig fortsetzen. Die Software frisst die Welt auf und die Entwickler übernehmen die ganze Arbeit, während sie gleichzeitig große Teile der Silos aufbrechen. 2. Entwicklerteams werden immer weniger Komplexität benötigen Da Software-Entwicklungsteams immer mehr Arbeit übernehmen, werden wir auch die Notwendigkeit sehen, die Komplexität zu reduzieren. Vor allem, wenn es um Nachrüstlösungen geht. Die Suche ist hierfür ein gutes Beispiel. Für viele Teams sind Datenbankbetrieb und Suche traditionell zwei getrennte Systeme, die dann zusammengefügt werden. Dadurch wird die Komplexität normalerweise nicht verringert. Das Gegenteil ist sogar der Fall. Sie müssen beispielsweise systemübergreifende Abhängigkeiten verwalten. Doch wenn Teams auf eine einzige, einheitliche und vollständig verwaltete Plattform zugreifen können, die Datenbank, Suchmaschine und Synchronisierungsmechanismus integriert, entfällt die Notwendigkeit von Querverbindungen und die Komplexität sinkt erheblich. Andrew Davidson, SVP of Products bei MongoDB, sagte kürzlich in einer Episode von The Cloudcast : „... Die Suche als ein zusätzliches [und] völlig anderes System ... hat eine so tiefgreifend inkonsistente Erfahrung, dass, wenn man sie so einbringen kann, dass sie nahezu konsistent mit der Datenbank ist, das ein entscheidender Durchbruch wäre ...“ Und da Entwicklungsteams immer mehr Aufgaben übernehmen, die früher mit separaten Bereichen verbunden waren, wie z. B. Analytik (siehe oben), müssen sie andere Systeme verwenden, die traditionell ebenfalls miteinander verbunden waren. Daher werden sich viele Unternehmen in diesem Jahr und darüber hinaus die Frage stellen: Warum sollte man Zeit damit verbringen, Daten zwischen separaten, zusammenhängenden Lösungen für Dinge wie Suche, Visualisierung und Analyse zu verschieben, wenn eine einzige Datenplattform das alles bewältigen kann? 3. Apps werden noch deutlich intelligenter werden Wenn man 15 Jahre zurückgeht, bis ins Jahr 2008 – wow, ich kann nicht glauben, dass das schon 15 Jahre her ist, aber egal ... – wird man feststellen, wie radikal sich die Technologielandschaft verändert hat. Cloud Computing war damals noch nicht so weit verbreitet. Und die Mobiltechnologie kam gerade erst richtig in Schwung. Heutzutage findet ein ebenso großer Wandel statt. In einem Interview mit SiliconAngle im vergangenen November sagte Dev Ittycheria, CEO von MongoDB: „Ich glaube, der nächste große Plattformwechsel ist der Wechsel von dummen Apps zu intelligenten Apps, die maschinelles Lernen, KI und sehr ausgefeilte Automatisierung beinhalten.“ Wie bereits erwähnt, übernehmen die Entwicklungsteams immer mehr Aufgaben, die mit zuvor getrennten Bereichen verbunden waren. Dies gilt auch für die Datenanalyse, die bisher außerhalb des Anwendungsentwicklungsprozesses stattfand. Aber jetzt verlagert sich die Analytik direkt in die App-Entwicklung. Das bedeutet für Unternehmen : Anwendungen können Echtzeitdaten viel, viel schneller und kostengünstiger verarbeiten und analysieren, Trends erkennen und auf dieser Grundlage fundiertere Vorhersagen treffen. Für Kunden bedeutet dies eine stärkere Personalisierung und reichhaltigere digitale Erfahrungen. Die Entwicklung intelligenterer Anwendungen ist die Zukunft. Aber wie schnell und effektiv Unternehmen dies tun, hängt immer noch von ihren Datenplattformen ab . Nicht alle können Analysen auf dieselbe Weise in die App-Entwicklung einbringen. In dieser Hinsicht mag die Zukunft aus intelligenteren Anwendungen bestehen, aber für unterschiedliche Unternehmen – um den Autor William Gibson zu zitieren - ist diese Zukunft nicht gleichmäßig verteilt. Noch nicht. 4. Verschlüsselung, Verschlüsselung, [$a&*9Qd] Verschlüsselung wird nicht nur weiterhin entscheidend dafür sein, wie Unternehmen ihre Daten speichern, sondern sie wird auch die Art und Weise revolutionieren, wie Daten im Anwendungsentwicklungsprozess verwendet werden. Wenn Sie viele Software-Veteranen nach der Datenverschlüsselung fragen, werden sie Ihnen wahrscheinlich sagen, wie wichtig sie ist. Sie werden wahrscheinlich auch sagen, dass die Verschlüsselung, insbesondere die Verschlüsselung im Betrieb, zu Problemen mit der Skalierbarkeit und/oder der Komplexität führen kann . Aber im Jahr 2023 und darüber hinaus werden diese Probleme dank neuer Fortschritte der Vergangenheit angehören. Mit neuen Technologien wie Queryable Encryption können Sie intelligentere Anwendungen entwickeln, die Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselte Daten verwenden, und zwar in der Geschwindigkeit, die Entwicklungsteams und Unternehmen benötigen. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass dies das Vertrauen der Endbenutzer stärkt. Lena Smart, Chief Information Security Officer von MongoDB, sagte in einem Interview mit SiliconAngle im Dezember 2022: „Indem man den Leuten zum Beispiel Dinge wie Queryable Encryption zur Verfügung stellt, schafft man eine Menge Platz im Kopf. [Die Kunden] müssen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass ihre Daten ... aus dem Speicher oder im Ruhezustand oder während der Bewegung abgegriffen werden.“ Im Jahr 2023 lautet die Parole 8QTwZm* *zu Demonstrationszwecken verschlüsselt. 5. Unterm Strich: Ihre Datenstrategie ist Ihre Geschäftsstrategie Ende Dezember 2023 werden wir wahrscheinlich auf die dazwischen liegenden Monate zurückblicken und eine Menge Dinge sehen, die wir nicht erwartet haben. Fest steht, dass Daten eine immer wichtigere Rolle für die Geschäftstätigkeit von Unternehmen spielen werden. Woher wissen wir das? Weil dies in jedem Jahr ein Trend war, seit Unternehmen begonnen haben, Daten zu nutzen, um bessere Software und reichhaltigere digitale Erfahrungen zu entwickeln. Software mag die Welt auffressen und Entwickler werden die Arbeit leisten, aber Daten fressen das Geschäft. Im Jahr 2023 obliegt es also den Verantwortlichen in der Wirtschaft, den Tisch entsprechend zu decken. Wenn Sie mit dem Aufbau Ihrer Datenstrategie mit MongoDB beginnen möchten, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit unseren Experten auf .

June 26, 2023

Ce que les C-Level devraient savoir sur la stratégie des données pour 2023

Il est évidemment très difficile de prédire l'avenir. Tout peut arriver. Il suffit de regarder ces dernières années, où il semblait que même les choses les plus inattendues se produisaient. Alors que nous sommes à la moitié de l'année 2023 et que le reste de l'année s'annonce riche en changements et en bouleversements, le seul indicateur clair de ce qui nous attend est l'observation des tendances de ces derniers mois, semaines et jours qui ont précédé cette nouvelle année. Ainsi, découvrez 5 éléments que les C-Level sont susceptibles de voir le plus souvent au cours de l'année 2023 et ce que cela signifie pour l'élaboration d'une stratégie de données résiliente, durable et innovante. 1. Les logiciels sont peut-être encore en train de dévorer le monde. Mais les développeurs se chargent de tout le travail. Il y a près de 12 ans, Marc Andreessen annonçait que « les logiciels dévorent le monde ». Et si ce sentiment reste vrai aujourd'hui, les plus grands bénéficiaires de l'appétit mondial pour le logiciel continuent d'être les développeurs. Dans une interview avec The Cube lors de l'AWS re:Invent de l'année dernière, Dev Ittycheria, le CEO de MongoDB s'exprimait ainsi : « C'est presque un cliché de dire aujourd'hui que les logiciels sont en train de dévorer le monde. En effet, la proposition de valeur de chaque entreprise repose sur les logiciels. Mais ce que cela signifie réellement, c'est que les développeurs se chargent de tout le travail. » L'un des meilleurs exemples de développeurs qui « se chargent de tout le travail » est le DevOps. Lors de l'arrivée du DevOps, nous avons vu les équipes de développement de logiciels intégrer dans leur travail le domaine des opérations informatiques qui était auparavant distinct, tout en transformant l'infrastructure en une interface programmable et en créant une boucle de rétroaction continue qui a amélioré l'agilité des développeurs. Mais le DevOps n'était qu'un début. Désormais nous constatons que les développeurs intègrent dans leur travail d'autres domaines qui étaient auparavant distincts, tels que la sécurité, la data science et la data analytics (voir ci-dessous). Les implications managériales de l'intégration de ces domaines auparavant fragmentés dans le développement de logiciels sont considérables. Cela signifie une innovation rapide, un délai de mise sur le marché plus court, une meilleure détection et prévention de la fraude, des tests A/B... et la liste continue. Alors que les logiciels continuent de dévorer le monde, les développeurs continuent de se charger de tout le travail tout en réduisant la compartimentation des silos. 2. Les équipes de développement exigeront de moins en moins de complexité L'augmentation de la charge de travail des équipes de développement de logiciels s'accompagne de la nécessité de réduire la complexité. En particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de solutions de type « bolt-on ». Search en est un bon exemple. Pour beaucoup d'équipes, les opérations de base de données et la recherche sont traditionnellement deux systèmes distincts qui sont ensuite collés ensemble. Ce qui ne réduit généralement pas la complexité. En fait, c'est le contraire qui se produit. Par exemple, la nécessité de gérer les dépendances entre les systèmes. Mais lorsque les équipes ont accès à une plateforme unique, unifiée et entièrement gérée qui intègre la base de données, le moteur de recherche et le mécanisme de synchronisation, vous n'avez plus besoin de colle et la complexité diminue considérablement. Comme l'a déclaré Andrew Davidson, SVP Produits chez MongoDB, lors d'un récent épisode de The Cloudcast : « ...La recherche en tant que système bolt-on [est] entièrement différente... d'une expérience si profondément incohérente que si vous pouvez la diriger vers une cohérence proche de celle de la base de données, cela changera la donne...» Et comme les équipes de développement assument de plus en plus de tâches auparavant associées à des domaines distincts, comme l'analyse (décrite ci-dessus), elles doivent utiliser d'autres systèmes qui étaient traditionnellement collés les uns aux autres. La question qui se posera à de nombreuses organisations cette année et au-delà, sera donc la suivante : Pourquoi perdre du temps à déplacer des données entre des solutions distinctes collées les unes aux autres pour des tâches telles que la recherche, la visualisation et l'analyse, alors qu'une seule plateforme de données peut tout gérer ? 3. Les applications vont devenir beaucoup plus intelligentes Si vous reveniez 15 ans en arrière, en 2008, oui déjà 15 ans... vous remarquerez à quel point le paysage technologique a radicalement changé. Le cloud computing n'existait pas encore à l'époque, et la téléphonie mobile n'en était qu'à ses balbutiements. Aujourd'hui, un changement tout aussi important est en train de se produire. Lors d'une interview avec SiliconAngle en novembre dernier, Dev Ittycheria, le CEO de MongoDB a déclaré : « Je pense que le prochain grand changement de plateforme consistera à passer des applications ineptes à des applications intelligentes qui intègrent l'apprentissage automatique, l'IA et une automatisation très sophistiquée. » Comme nous l'avons évoqué précédemment, les équipes de développement assument davantage de tâches liées à des domaines auparavant distincts. Il en va de même pour la data analytics, qui se situait auparavant en dehors du processus de développement des applications. Mais l'analytique « se situe » désormais directement au sein du développement d'applications. Les résultats pour les entreprises sont : la capacité des applications à traiter et à analyser des données en temps réel beaucoup plus rapidement et à moindre coût, ainsi qu'à comprendre les tendances et à faire des prédictions plus éclairées sur la base de ces tendances. Les résultats pour les clients sont une plus grande personnalisation et des expériences numériques plus riches. L'avenir est à la création d'applications plus intelligentes. Mais la rapidité et l'efficacité avec lesquelles les organisations y parviennent dépendent encore de leurs plateformes de données . Toutes ne peuvent pas intégrer l'analytique dans le développement d'applications de la même manière. À cet égard, l'avenir est peut-être aux applications plus intelligentes, mais pour différentes entreprises, pour paraphraser l'auteur William Gibson, cet avenir n'est pas uniformément réparti. Et pourtant... 4. Cryptage, cryptage, [$a&*9Qd] Le cryptage restera non seulement essentiel pour la manière dont les organisations stockent leurs données, mais il révolutionnera également la manière dont les données sont utilisées dans le processus de développement d'applications. Demandez à de nombreux vétérans du logiciel ce qu'ils pensent du cryptage des données et ils vous diront probablement à quel point il est essentiel. Ils vous diront probablement aussi que le cryptage, en particulier le cryptage in-use, peut présenter des problèmes d'évolutivité et/ou de complexité . Mais en 2023 et au-delà, de nouvelles avancées feront que ces problèmes appartiendront au passé. Grâce à de nouvelles technologies, telles que Queryable Encryption , la capacité de créer des applications plus intelligentes utilisant des données chiffrées de bout en bout peut évoluer à la vitesse requise par les équipes de développement et les entreprises. L'avantage supplémentaire est que cela renforce la confiance de l'utilisateur final. Comme l'a déclaré Lena Smart, CISO chez MongoDB, dans une interview accordée à SiliconAngle en décembre 2022 : « En offrant aux gens des solutions comme Queryable Encryption, par exemple, vous allez libérer tout un espace de réflexion. [Leurs clients] n'ont pas à s'inquiéter du fait que leurs données soient [...] récupérées de la mémoire ou lors de la mise en veille ou de l'état de marche ». En 2023, le règle du jeu sera 8QTwZm* *chiffré à des fins de démonstration. 5. Conclusion : Votre stratégie de données est votre stratégie d'entreprise Lorsque nous arriverons à la fin du mois de décembre 2023, nous regarderons probablement les mois qui nous séparent de cette date et nous observerons beaucoup de choses inattendues. Ce que nous savons, c'est que les données vont jouer un rôle de plus en plus important dans le fonctionnement des entreprises. Comment le savons-nous ? Parce que c'est une tendance qui se confirme d'année en année depuis que les organisations ont commencé à utiliser les données pour créer de meilleurs logiciels et des expériences numériques plus riches. Les logiciels sont peut-être en train de dévorer le monde et les développeurs sont peut-être en train de se charger de tout le travail, mais les données orientent les organisations. En 2023, il incombe donc aux leaders de se préparer en conséquence. Pour commencer à construire votre stratégie de données avec MongoDB, contactez nos experts .

June 21, 2023

2023년 데이터 전략에 대해 최고 경영진이 알아야 할 것들

미래를 예측하는 건 분명 대단히 어려운 일입니다. 어떤 상황이든 발생할 수 있으니까요. 지난 몇 년만 돌이켜 봐도 실제로 모든 일이 일어났고 무슨 일이든 일어날 수 있는 것처럼 보였습니다. 2023년의 두 번째 달에 접어들면서 올해 남은 기간 동안 대대적인 변화와 혼란이 벌어질 것으로 예상되는 가운데, 앞으로 다가올 일에 대한 유일한 명확한 지표는 올해가 시작되기 전 몇 달, 몇 주, 며칠 동안 목격되었던 트렌드를 통해 알아 볼 수 있습니다. 그런 의미에서 2023년이 진행됨에 따라 최고 경영진이 더욱 주목하게 될 다섯 가지 사항과, 이러한 요소가 탄력적이고 지속적이며 혁신적인 데이터 전략을 구축하는 데 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 합니다. 1. 소프트웨어가 여전히 세상을 장악하고 있을지는 모르지만, 모든 업무를 장악하는 것은 개발자입니다. 약 12년 전, Marc Andreessen은 "소프트웨어가 세상을 장악하고 있다"고 선언했습니다. 오늘날에도 이러한 정서가 유지되고 있지만, 소프트웨어의 전 세계적인 확장 속에서 가장 큰 수혜자는 계속해서 개발자가 될 것입니다. 작년 AWS re:Invent에서 진행된 The Cube와의 인터뷰 에서 MongoDB의 CEO Dev Ittycheria는 이렇게 말했습니다. "소프트웨어가 세상을 장악하고 있다는 말은 이제 거의 진부한 표현이 되었습니다. 모든 기업의 가치 제안은 소프트웨어에서 시작되기 때문이죠. 하지만 실제로는 개발자가 모든 일을 하고 있습니다." 개발자가 "모든 일을 다 하고 있다"는 것을 보여주는 가장 좋은 예 중 하나는 DevOps입니다. DevOps의 등장과 함께 우리는 소프트웨어 개발 팀들이 기존에 분리되어 있던 IT 운영 영역을 개발 팀 업무에 통합하는 한편, 인프라를 프로그래밍 가능한 인터페이스로 전환하고 지속적인 피드백 루프를 만들어 개발자의 민첩성을 개선하는 것을 목격했습니다. 하지만 DevOps는 시작에 불과했습니다. 이제는 개발자들이 보안, 데이터 과학, 데이터 분석 등 기존에 분리되어 있던 다른 영역까지 업무에 포함시키고 있습니다(자세한 내용은 아래에서 확인하세요). 과거에는 서로 이질적이었던 영역들을 소프트웨어 개발에 포함시키는 이러한 추세가 비즈니스에 미치는 영향은 상당히 큽니다. 이는 곧 급격한 혁신, 출시 기간 단축, 사기 탐지 및 예방 역량 개선, A/B 테스트를 의미하며, 그 외에도 다양한 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 소프트웨어가 계속해서 세상을 장악하는 가운데, 개발자들은 계속해서 모든 업무를 장악하면서 사일로의 상당 부분까지도 처리하고 있습니다. 2. 빌더 팀이 요구하는 복잡성이 감소합니다. 소프트웨어 개발 팀이 더 많은 작업을 수행함에 따라 복잡성을 완화해야 할 필요성도 대두될 것입니다. 특히 추가적인 솔루션의 경우 더욱 그렇습니다. 검색이 그 좋은 예입니다. 많은 팀에서 데이터베이스 운영과 검색은 전통적으로 별개의 시스템으로서 서로 연관성을 유지해 왔습니다. 그렇다고 해서 일반적으로 복잡성이 줄어들지는 않습니다. 오히려 그 반대의 경우가 많습니다. 예를 들면 시스템 간의 종속성을 관리해야 하는 경우가 있습니다. 하지만 팀에서 데이터베이스, 검색 엔진, 동기화 메커니즘을 모두 통합하는 완전 관리형 단일 통합 플랫폼에 액세스할 수 있게 되면 별도의 연결 고리가 필요하지 않으며 복잡성이 대폭 감소합니다. MongoDB의 제품 부문 SVP Andrew Davidson은 The Cloudcast 의 한 최근 에피소드에서 다음과 같이 말했습니다. "... 완전히 다른 추가 시스템에서의 검색은... 매우 일관성이 없는 경험이어서 데이터베이스와 일관성을 거의 완벽하게 유지하도록 구현할 수 있다면 이는 업계의 판도를 바꾸게 될 것입니다..." 또한 개발 팀이 앞서 설명한 분석과 같이 이전에는 별도의 영역과 관련되어 있던 작업을 점점 더 많이 수행함에 따라 전통적으로 서로 연관되어 있던 다른 시스템도 사용해야 합니다. 이에 따라 올해와 그 이후에 많은 조직에서 직면하게 될 질문이 있습니다. 단일 데이터 플랫폼으로 모든 작업을 처리할 수 있는데 왜 검색, 시각화 및 분석과 같은 작업을 위해 서로 연관된 개별 솔루션 간에 데이터를 이동하는 데 시간을 할애해야 할까요? 3. 앱이 훨씬 더 스마트해질 것입니다. 15년 전인 2008년으로 거슬러 올라가 보면, (15년 전이라는 게 믿기지는 않지만 어쨌든) 기술 환경이 얼마나 급격하게 변화했는지 알 수 있습니다. 당시에는 클라우드 컴퓨팅이라는 개념이 아직 생소했습니다. 그리고 모바일은 이제 막 걸음마를 시작한 단계였죠. 그런데 오늘날에도 그 규모에 필적할 만한 대대적인 변화가 일어나고 있습니다. 지난 11월 SiliconAngle과의 인터뷰 에서 MongoDB의 CEO Dev Ittycheria는 다음과 같이 말했습니다. "다음으로 펼쳐질 플랫폼의 대대적인 변화는 멍청한 앱에서 머신 러닝, AI, 매우 정교한 자동화를 통합하는 스마트한 앱으로 전환해 가는 것이라고 생각합니다." 앞서 언급했듯이 개발 팀은 이전에는 분리되어 있던 영역과 관련된 작업을 점점 더 많이 수행하고 있습니다. 이전에는 애플리케이션 개발 프로세스의 외부 영역에 존재했던 데이터 분석에서도 이러한 일이 벌어지고 있습니다. 하지만 이제 분석은 ' 시프트 레프트(shift left) ' 전략을 통해 앱 개발로 직접 연결됩니다. 이에 따라 기업 입장 에서는 애플리케이션이 더 저렴한 비용으로 훨씬 더 신속하게 실시간 데이터를 처리하고 분석할 수 있으며, 트렌드를 파악하고 이러한 트렌드를 기반으로 정보에 입각한 더 정확한 예측을 할 수 있게 됩니다. 고객 입장에서는 개선된 개인화 및 풍부한 디지털 경험을 구현할 수 있게 됩니다. 미래에는 분명 더 스마트한 애플리케이션이 구축될 것입니다. 하지만 이 과정이 얼마나 빠르고 효과적으로 진행될지는 여전히 데이터 플랫폼에 달려 있습니다. 모두가 같은 방식으로 앱 개발에 분석을 적용하는 것은 아닙니다. 이런 점에서 더 스마트한 애플리케이션은 다가올 미래일 수는 있지만, 저자인 William Gibson의 말을 다르게 표현해 보자면 모든 기업들에게 그 미래가 균등하게 분배되지는 않을 겁니다. 아직은 말이죠. 4. 암호화, 암호화, [$a*Qd] 암호화는 계속해서 조직의 데이터 저장 방식에서 중요한 역할을 할 뿐만 아니라, 애플리케이션 개발 프로세스에서 데이터를 사용하는 방식을 혁신적으로 변화시킬 것입니다. 많은 소프트웨어 전문가에게 데이터 암호화에 대해 물어보면 암호화가 얼마나 중요한지 이야기할 것입니다. 또한 암호화, 특히 사용 중인 암호화에는 확장성 문제 및/또는 복잡성 문제가 있을 수 있다 고 말할 것입니다. 하지만 2023년 이후에는 새로운 발전으로 인해 이러한 문제가 과거의 일이 되어버릴 것입니다. Queryable Encryption 과 같은 새로운 기술을 사용하면 종단간 암호화 데이터를 사용하는 더 스마트한 애플리케이션을 구축할 수 있는 역량이 개발 팀과 기업이 필요로 하는 속도로 발전하게 될 것입니다. 또 다른 이점은 최종 사용자의 신뢰가 강해진다는 점입니다. MongoDB의 최고 정보 보안 책임자 Lena Smart는 2022년 12월 진행된 SiliconAngle과의 인터뷰 에서 이렇게 말했습니다. "예를 들어 Queryable Encryption과 같은 기능을 제공하면 사람들은 작업 시 여유를 가질 수 있습니다. [고객은] 데이터가 메모리에서 수집되거나 유휴 상태 또는 이동 중에 수집되는 것에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다." 2023년에 가장 주목해야 할 것은 8QTwZm*입니다. *데모용으로 암호화되었습니다. 5. 결론: 데이터 전략은 곧 비즈니스 전략입니다. 2023년 12월 말에 이르면 지금과 그 시점 사이의 몇 달을 되돌아보며 예상하지 못한 많은 일들이 발생했다는 것을 깨닫게 될 것입니다. 우리가 장담할 수 있는 것은 데이터가 비즈니스 운영 방식에서 점점 더 중요한 역할을 하게 될 것이라는 점입니다. 이렇게 장담할 수 있는 이유는 무엇일까요? 이는 조직에서 더 나은 소프트웨어와 풍부한 디지털 경험을 구축하기 위해 데이터를 처음 사용하기 시작한 이래로 매년 지속되어 온 트렌드이기 때문입니다. 소프트웨어는 세상을 장악하고 개발자는 작업을 장악하고 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 데이터는 비즈니스를 장악하고 있습니다. 따라서 2023년에는 비즈니스 리더들이 이러한 트렌드에 맞게 전략을 수립해야 합니다. MongoDB와 함께 데이터 전략 수립을 시작하고 싶다면 MongoDB의 전문가에게 문의 하세요.

June 21, 2023

Launching Rockets Doesn’t Need to be Rocket Science with MongoDB Atlas: Building Smarter Applications Using Application-Driven Analytics

Data shouldn’t be the limiting factor in any system. Take for example, space rocket launches. Did you know a typical rocket launch can generate more than one million metrics per second? This includes readings from thousands of IoT sensors, observation notes added in real-time by engineers, and critical weather data. Integrating such large volumes of distinct data types into a single platform used to take a significant development effort — and that's even before factoring in real-time analytics and alerts. Status quo architecture: complicated and fragile Teams used to have to do a lot of custom engineering work in order to make this happen. How much? Here’s a basic rundown of just some of that work: Stitching together multiple databases to handle different data structures (i.e., documents, tables, time series measurements, key-values, search), each accessed with its own unique query API. Building ETL data pipelines to transform data in required analytics formats, and tier it from the live database to lower-cost object storage. Spinning up a federated query engine to work across each data tier, again using its own unique query API. Integrating serverless functions to react to real-time data changes. Standing up their own API layers to expose data to consuming applications. All of this complexity places enormous overhead on teams. It results in a multitude of operational and security models to deal with, a ton of data integration work, and lots of data duplication. But for certain critical use cases, like monitoring a space rocket launch, this complicated custom engineering has traditionally been the only solution. Why? A typical rocket launch happens over the course of 30 minutes. There's no time for batch analysis processes that send data from one system to another and separate application events from analytical actions. Added to that, data warehouses and centralized analytics stores are built for historical analyses, not analytics on live, fast changing operational data. Now there is an alternative, though. Analytics processing can now be “shifted left” to the source of the data, to the applications themselves. We call this shift application-driven analytics . Successful modern applications are defined by their ability to drive better customer experiences, surface insights, and take intelligent action directly within the application on live operational data — in real-time. Atlas architecture: enabling app-driven analytics MongoDB Atlas enables application-driven analytics by providing an integrated set of data and application services that put powerful analytics capabilities into the hands of developers in ways that fit their workflows. They can land data of any structure, index, query, and analyze it in any way they want, and then archive it. All while working with a unified API and without having to build their own data pipelines or duplicate data. At the same time, analytics teams get access to live data with their preferred tools without interrupting the application, and with the ability to share insights with the business teams that need it. Some of the advanced capabilities Atlas provides include: Time series collections allow for storing and analyzing time-stamped data. Query API powers analytics with in-database transformations, making it easy to analyze data without complex ETL. Atlas Data Federation enables easily querying data across multiple MongoDB clusters and cloud object storage, providing the ability to combine data from different sources into one unified view. Atlas Charts provides native data visualization capabilities, enabling quick creation of interactive charts and dashboards. Analytics nodes allow for workload isolation ensuring your application performance isn’t impacted by complex analytics. And high availability, automatic failover, end-to-end encryption, and VPC peering in the database , ensures your data remains available and secure. This integrated set of data and application services, along with a unified developer experience, makes MongoDB Atlas the developer data platform for teams looking to build smarter, modern applications for a wide variety of use cases. Like, for instance, monitoring space rocket launches. To learn more about how you can build analytics into your application watch Part One of our three-part demo . Jay Runkel, Distinguished Solutions Architect at MongoDB, will simulate a rocket launch with actual launch data from several devices producing one million metrics per second.

February 21, 2023